Monday, August 26, 2019

Step Into My Week 8.26

For my last Step Into My Week post, I did a really great job of writing out what I did each day at the end of the day, which made for a comprehensive post. I meant to do that this past week but failed so I have to rely on my to-do lists as an attempt to rehash what I’ve been up to. Maybe this week I’ll try to get back in the swing of writing down things about my day as it’s happening. I will say that last week flew by. It seemed to take no time at all for Thursday to come around.

Looking at the to-do list I had for Monday is a little overwhelming given that all of the blanks were completely filled out. I started the week how I usually do by responding to any missed emails and engaging with posts that went up over the weekend on our social media platforms. I had to organize and prepare our complimentary copies to go out, which takes a good bit of time but it was a nice break from looking at the computer screen. In addition to those things, I worked on social copy for the week, completed the resources for our French special issue, and packaged up boxes to be returned since a shoot had wrapped. After work, I went to the Y before coming home to shower and catch up on the phone with Nell and then working on some behind the scenes blog work.  

Tuesday ended up being one of those days where a lot of miscellaneous things came up that needed to be taken care of. I had to work on some expense reports, send out the complimentary issue copies that I had prepared the day before, and schedule in the social posts I had planned. I worked through most of the resources for Southern Lady’s November/December issue and ended up spending most of the afternoon wrapping presents for another Christmas shoot we had on Thursday. After work, I went to the Y and got in a long bike ride, which felt productive. I came home and showered before heating up my dinner and watching the previous episode of Bachelor In Paradise. 

On Wednesday, I worked through some copy that needed to be routed and finished up the expense reports I had started the previous days. I ended up having to run an errand for a stylist first thing that morning, which was fun but took more time than I thought it was going to. I got back to the office before lunch and was able to continue getting things done before I ate and had to finish up wrapping presents and preparing for the shoot the following day. After work, I came home to finish up the remains of a blog project with an approaching deadline and didn’t stop working until close to 9:00. I had every intention of going for a run, but given that it was raining that was easy to skip. I watched the episode I had missed of Bachelor in Paradise and got in bed and stayed up later than I meant to reading. 

I knew Thursday was going to be a bit of a whirlwind given that the shoot we were at was for a cover and was an hour away. We arrived at the location a little before 10:00 and were able to set up the home to look like Christmas relatively quickly. We were able to tweak as needed and get the final shot before 3:00 which was impressive. I really love the styling aspect of shoots and am lucky to get to work with such a great group of people who allow me to help with this while showing me the ropes. The homeowner snapped a bunch of behind the scenes shots that I thought it would be fun to share as a glimpse into what the average day on set can look like. We made the hour drive back to Birmingham and unloaded the van in time to call it a day. I went home and went for a run (also stepped in an ant bed) before my roommate, and I had a movie night on the couch.



I went to Starbucks before work on Friday and was incredibly productive in the 30 minutes I was there. Then it was off to work where I knew I’d have a binder to tackle. Binders always take me 2-3 hours to get through so that ended up being how I spent most of my Friday. I got off at noon and headed home before it started to rain. The combination of the weather, friends being out of town, and a lack of plans put me in a bit of a 24-hour funk. I tried to distract myself by finishing my book and going ahead and tackling the errands I knew I needed to run for the week ahead. I was able to get some work done while watching tv and ultimately got in bed early and fell asleep watching Gilmore Girls. 

Saturday morning, I got a bit more work done before heading out of the house for a while to make some returns and meet my friend Allie for lunch. The weather was still kind of crummy, so I used that as an excuse not to do much of anything and watch more Gilmore Girls while doing laundry. I don’t know what it is about fall approaching, but I tend to get in such a Gilmore Girls kick this time of year. Later in the afternoon, a friend invited me to go to a concert, so I got ready for that and met up with that group of friends at Dread River Distillery for a drink before we the show started. I didn’t really know what to expect from the concert given that it was an Eagles cover band and I don’t think I could’ve named a single Eagles song before attending (in my defense, I knew the words to a lot of the songs but not necessarily the names). The four of us that went were by far the youngest people there (and even the ladies in the restroom called out the other girl I was with and I for bringing down the average age), and it was an eye-opening experience to go to a concert where everyone was seated. It ended up being fun nonetheless, and for the last couple of songs, everyone was standing up and dancing, which felt more typical for a concert. After the concert ended, we went to a few different bars downtown before ending the night with a couple of games of pool at a bar in Lakeview. I was exhausted by the end of the night and was more than ready to go home and fall asleep. 

I slept in on Sunday and had a very slow morning given that the weather was pretty gloomy. I was able to get most of my meal prepping for the week done before 1:00, which felt like an accomplishment. I spent the rest of the afternoon working on blog photos, planning for upcoming posts, and catching up with people on the phone. I was showered and in bed pretty early and I think I fell asleep well before 9:00.

I’ll be working hard the next couple of days to get everything squared away to leave town on Thursday morning for my brother’s wedding. Fingers crossed I finish up his toast today so that I can start practicing! I hope that y’all have a nice start to your week.

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