Friday, February 20, 2015

Step Into My Week {2015 #7}

This week has been quite the cold one! As most of y'all know from some of my posts from this week I spent the weekend in Auburn and had an absolute blast (read about it here)! Coming from Auburn back to Furman was a bit frigid. We had a snow day here on Tuesday which was a nice break from reality aside from the fact that I had to watch 6 hours worth of documentaries about global warming. Aside from that I have been spending a lot of time in the library and unfortunately it seems that that will be pretty typical for the next few weeks until spring break.

Furman looked absolutely beautiful covered in the snow (as it always does) and even today when I was walking to class I noticed that there is still a ton of it left on the other side of the lake which even happens to be frozen!


I was supposed to be going skiing this weekend but unfortunately the weather is looking kind of terrible for that. I am not so sure how fun skiing in frozen rain would be for anyone.

Lent started this past Wednesday as many of you are probably aware and instead of giving something up I decided to take something on. This year I decided that each day of lent I would read a different psalm. I thought this could be a fun way to ensure that I have some quiet time each day. When I was still at home my mom always came up with really cool ideas of what we should do as a family for lent. My favorite was when we decided to have Meatless Mondays and Wheatless Wednesdays. It forced us to try out some new recipes and was really cool to do.

Next week is Kappa Delta's big / little week so I will finally be getting a little! I am super excited and am dying to find out who I have already (we find out on Sunday). I remember this being so much fun last year and I know this year will be just as much of a blast since I'll get to be the one sneaking around and leaving gifts! I'll try to remember to take photos of what I give and share them with y'all next week!

As for what's been on my radar…

I saw this scarf on Pinterest yesterday and immediately repinned it. It's cashmere and wool and looks so cozy and warm! 

The best reminder you could need for tomorrow courtesy of a snow day watercolor attempt by me.


  1. Can't wait to hear about big/little reveal! So excited for ya!

    Sea Salt + Sun

  2. Your pictures of campus are beautiful!

    have a great weekend!
    Alex | Mrs. Mason Dixon

  3. What a gorgeous campus! I LOVE your watercolor painting... I have been wanting to play with watercolors, as well :) And I'm so so excited for you that you're getting a little! It will be one of your favorite college memories.

    AOT, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  4. I can't wait to see how Big/Little week goes-surprises like that are SO much fun!
    And your campus looks just like a Christmas card, so pretty!

    xoxo ,SS

    The Southern Stylista

  5. I NEED that scarf. Where is it from?!?!

  6. I love that scarf it's so cute and I love the pictures of Furman they're so pretty!
    Alyson |

  7. The pictures of your campus are stunning! The snow looks beautiful!



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