Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What You Can Be Doing Right Now To Stand Out Professionally With The YoPro Know

Today I am so excited to bring you a guest post from my friend, Kamber, that covers a topic I haven’t yet mentioned on the blog during this pandemic. I’ve done my best to keep content pretty consistent with what it would be like without Coronavirus in the picture, but when Kamber ran this idea by me, I was sold. 

Kamber and I met at our accepted student’s day at Furman, later became pledge sisters and were on our executive council together, and even got more time to hang out in Greenville when she moved back there while I was teaching post-grad. She is one of the most driven and dedicated people I know so it came as no surprise to me when she launched her own blog, The YoPro Know which is dedicated to sharing a look into the lives of young professionals in various fields to illustrate how we can relate while encouraging connection. It’s an excellent platform that I have been so lucky to watch grow. You may remember that Kamber did a guest post on my blog around this time last year covering How to Set Up a LinkedIn and Network, so it seems so fitting to have her back this year covering a similar topic that relates to our current time. I hope y’all enjoy her advice and will take the time to check out her blog! 

Navigating The Pandemic: What You Can Be Doing Right Now To Stand Out Professionally
With The YoPro Know, LLC

Whether you are a college student looking for your next internship, your first job, or you’re a young professional in the throes of the workplace, let’s face it: we are all freaking out a little bit. It’s normal and completely okay to feel this way.

I have friends losing their jobs, peers actively seeking new positions, and family members in college looking for their next step, which seems bleak right now. Well, I’m here to tell you that’s not the case. Sure, we have to anticipate some discomfort from a time like this, but there is a lot we can do right now to ensure our success as professionals in the future. Here are a few important tips on what you can be doing right now to stand out professionally in the midst of the current crisis.

Take this time to grow yourself professionally. 

a.    Join a book club: not only is this a great way to socialize, but you can also learn something new regardless of the book topic.

b.    Take free online classes: if there were ever a good time to take online courses, the time is now. Free options are everywhere, including some one month free options of resources like LinkedIn Learning or Ivy League Online Courses. Learn a new language, take a follow-up course to that one class you loved in college, or just learn a new skill. There are tons of ways out there to push yourself now that you have a little extra time.

a.    Get A New Headshot: if you can see someone else’s shoulder or strand of hair in your LinkedIn pic, it’s time for a new one. Even if that’s not the case for your pic, this is the perfect excuse to get dressed up for the first time in six weeks and have a photo shoot. Make sure you’re dressed professionally, brush your hair, and avoid any distracting backgrounds, so nothing takes the focus away from you

b.    Revamp Your About Section: this should tell a story about you and what your entire digital resume below is about to outline. Be creative, make sure it reflects what they’re about to see below the About info and make it seem like you. Don’t try to write something that doesn’t illustrate who you are as a professional; if you need help, feel free to reach out to us! It’s not easy, and we know that, so let us know how we can help.

Network like crazy

a.    Just connect: Just because we are in a pandemic, doesn’t mean that we can’t still network. Chances are, more people than not are using this time as an excuse to be a little lax in their networking opportunities, but you shouldn’t. Take this opportunity and reach out to connections you’ve made in the past and just…catch up. This will help you more in the long run than you know. Ways you can do this:
i.    Write a letter: I’m a big fan of the postal service, and most people can’t say they don’t love getting a letter in the mail. Make someone’s day and reach out, asking for a phone or video call.
ii.    Message someone on LinkedIn: This goes for both people you know and don’t know; if you’re looking for a job and are questioning if you should reach out to someone at the company you’re looking into, I say go for it. With the right message (i.e., ask them what they like about working for their company, etc.), you will do yourself a favor during this time where a lot of companies are implementing hiring freezes. After connecting on LinkedIn, consider setting up a call or video.
iii.    Set up a phone or video call: Staying connected doesn’t just have to be through the phone. Consider setting up a video call with your connections and check-in. Ask them things like, How are they doing handling this situation? What are some tips they could provide you with as you continue to navigate this new normal? 

Your career growth, social development, and relationship building don’t have to stop during a pandemic, so stay ahead of the curb and make yourself stand out both now and later by implementing these tips in your everyday life.

Know that The YoPro Know is here to help if you need it. Reach out today!


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