Friday, December 5, 2014

Step Into My Week: 11/21 - 12/4

Since I failed to post a Step Into My Week last week get ready for a picture heavy post. I'll do you a favor and only share what's been on my radar this week to make up for it!

My Thanksgiving break was great but felt like a bit of a tease now that I am back at school gearing up for exams! I got to see some great friends and spend time with my family at my grandparents house.


This week has been pretty uneventful other than tying up lots of loose ends school wise. The end of the semester always fills your calendar with loads of little projects that the teachers toss at you. It's crazy to think I only have two more class days this semester!

On Monday night our dining hall had carnival night. Nell and I ate at the restaurant on campus instead but stopped by to grab some cotton candy!


Tonight I am going ice skating with friends downtown and will probably watch a Christmas movie later on and tomorrow night is KDs winter formal so next week I will be sure to share pictures from that. 
What's on my radar..

Christmas Music! Since it is now officially December I have been playing Christmas music nearly nonstop! Classical Christmas when I am studying and when I want something a bit more fun I listen to Frank Sinatra, Michael Buble, and Idina Menzel's Christmas albums!

Since we are already talking about Christmas Elf on the Shelf is most definitely back with some funnier images than I've seen from years past. My personal favorite is Barrington Gift's Elf, Beverly who is as stylish as can be with her many Barrington Bags! Follow her on instagram @barringtongifts or #beverlythebarringtonelf

If you haven't checkout my giveaway from yesterday you definitely should!
Also be sure to check out all of the gift guides I've been creating!
monograms | guys | my wish list | workout wear | cozy loungewear | christmas pajamas | ornaments | organization obsessedhostess | jet setter

And if you aren't in the holiday spirit yet then you must check out this post
Follow along on instagram for my very own version of Christmas Grams!


In addition to Christmas music it is now socially acceptable to Elf Yourself! If you have never heard of this then you are in for a treat! You can upload photos of your friends and family and have them turn into dancing elves in the funniest videos that put stitches in your sides! During exam week (next week, yikes) I love making ones for my friends and posting them to their Facebook walls to cheer them up while they are studying! I made one of my family earlier this week and couldn't even watch the whole thing because I was laughing too hard!
(If you're in a setting where you are supposed to be quiet then don't click play because you'll surely start laughing too!)


  1. You have so much fun at college. I want to have an experience like yours

    check out todays blogmas

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