Friday, March 19, 2021

Guest Bedroom & Office Interior Design Product Finds

Y’alls enthusiastic and positive responses to the interior design-related posts I’ve done make me so happy! I’ve loved getting messages saying that they are helpful, and it has been so fun to see what you’ve ordered so far. After sharing the guest bedroom/office design yesterday, I do have to admit that the items that made it into the image only scratch the surface of all of the pretty pieces I found. Instead of keeping those items to myself, I wanted to share them with you here if the ones showcased yesterday were on the right track of what you wanted but didn’t completely fulfill your design desires. 

With plenty of daybeds, pillows, desks, desk chairs, and accessories, I hope that this post is as helpful for those of you starting from scratch as it is for anyone looking to make more minor updates to a space. Recently I took down all of the photos on my bulletin board to replace them with more recent ones, and something as simple as that has made my desk feel more inviting. 

Instead of sharing click-able images, the links to the items featured in the collages below can be found directly beneath each image. 

Blue and Green Patterned Pillows
Rattan and Bamboo Accessories

Pretty Desks

Desk Chairs


Affordable Daybed Finds

Wooden Desks

Blue Throw Pillows

Desk Accessories

Blue and Green Artwork

I'd love to hear which items are your favorites!


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