Monday, December 21, 2020

Step Into My Week 12.21

 Happy week of Christmas!! It’s hard to believe it’s here, and I told friends the other day that I would probably believe someone if they told me it was July, given how skewed my sense of time is this year. I’m hoping to get posts live this week and originally planned to post next week too, but I’m toying with the idea of taking a short break during the week between Christmas and the New Year. This could change, but just a heads up! 

I have officially been on my Christmas break for a week now, during which time I went to Fairhope for a bit for a dentist appointment (yep, I still haven’t switched to one in Birmingham). All those days feel a little blurred, but I’ve done my best to piece together what I have actually been up to.

I was still in Birmingham on Monday, and despite the excitement of being off of work, I ended up styling some photos for blog posts in my free time. I also worked on responding to y’alls messages about who you were still shopping for to provide some gift ideas, which was a lot of fun! In the afternoon, I offered to take my friend Katie’s dog for a walk and picked him up, went and got Hunter, and we went to walk around Crestline park. It was really cold, and the dog is small, so we only made it two laps before calling it quits. That night we ate Santa Fe soup and watched some football before I went home. 

I slept in a little bit on Tuesday with no real rush to get home since my parents were both at work. I packed up, waited for the mail to be delivered, and then hit the road around 11:00. I got lunch on my way and was home before 4:00. It’s an easy drive, and I often forget how nice it can be to have a much shorter drive than I used to in college. I think we ate Mexican food for dinner, but aside from that, I don’t think we did anything noteworthy.

Wednesday morning, I got up and did a Peloton ride and showered before attempting to get some blog work done. I ate lunch at home with my dad and my one outing of the day was to a new-ish coffee shop called Provisions. I had their Christmas Spiced Latte, and it was terrific. While there, I spotted Yosef from the Bachelorette for any of you that may be keeping up with that show. In the afternoon, I took Scout on a walk and then hung out at home with my parents for the remainder of the night. 

I think I watched a Christmas movie while doing some computer work on Thursday morning before eventually making myself lunch and wrapping a few presents for my dad. I went to my dentist appointment at 2:00 and then came home to do another Peloton ride before showering and waiting for my mom to get home. We sat by the Christmas tree, talking for a while before making and eating dinner.

 I woke up early on Friday morning to see my parents before they went to work since I was heading back to Birmingham that day. Once they left, I did another Peloton workout, showered, and packed some of my stuff up for the extended weekend in Birmingham. I wanted to head back since I knew there were some Christmas presents that had yet to be delivered, and that much time at home alone during the day didn’t feel like it would be all that fun. At least in Birmingham, I have my roommate and some elbow room before I head back home this week for Christmas (which I am so thankful to be able to do). I decided to deep clean my room when I got back on Friday and eventually went over to my friend’s house to make dinner. My mom sent me back with leftover barbecue, so we recreated a nearby restaurant’s dish using potatoes, the barbecue, and cheese. We made some broccoli to go along with it, and everything ended up being very tasty.

I didn’t do much of anything on Saturday. I went and got Waffle House to-go mid-morning with a friend and then eventually hung out with Nell and her mom before going to the grocery store and coming home. My aunt had sent me her homemade Chex Mix recipe, so I made that after eating dinner and attempted to catch up on The Bachelorette. I think I was in bed by 10:00 that night.

Sunday was similar to Saturday in that I didn’t do that much. I listened to an audiobook for a while, got ingredients for a bit more Christmas baking I want to do, and eventually, Nell and I went to a few shops in Birmingham to browse. The only thing we ended up buying was hot chocolate from Big Spoon, which we sipped while chatting in her living room. I went back home around 5:00 and hung out with my roommate before she went to eat dinner at her parent’s house. I made myself dinner and finally got all caught up on last week’s Bachelorette episodes before going to sleep.

I hope that y’all had a nice week and are looking forward to celebrating this week! 

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