Monday, July 23, 2018

Step Into My Week

I can’t believe how quickly this summer is flying by. How is July almost over? I’d be ok with putting a pause button on some aspects of this summer but I’m not sure that would help anything. So instead, I’ll stick to sharing what I have been up to this past week. 

I can’t decide if I think this week went by quickly or slowly but as per usual I was ready for the weekend come Thursday! Monday morning it was back to being with the preschoolers that Sophia and I have been teaching for our graduate school practicum. They are so cute and fun to be around and I’ve been surprised by how much I have loved getting to work with this age group. Monday was also Amazon Prime Day so I heard a lot about the fact that products weren’t being shown but instead dogs were popping up on everyone’s computers. I didn’t end up getting anything from Prime Day (although I am continuously tempted by on sale Nespresso machines but adding an addiction to espresso to the dependence I already have on coffee just doesn’t seem wise), but I did enjoy sharing some of my favorite Amazon buys over the years with y’all. Tuesday seemed pretty normal as well in terms of following the routine of getting up early to get work done, spending the morning teaching preschoolers, and going to class in the afternoon. Wednesday was also very routine aside from going and getting ice cream at Spill the Beans that night which was fun. Thursday felt like a long day with a lot scheduled as the week began to wrap up. Overall, the bulk of my week was spent being productive in my typical routine which was nice. Up until the 9thof July I didn’t really feel like I had a real summer routine, so even though my weeks seem pretty consistent now to the point where it is almost boring to share them with you, it is nice to be on some sort of schedule! 

We only have one class on Friday so Ellison, Sophia, and I have made it a tradition to have Chick-fil-A Fridays before class. After class we had tickets to go see Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again. I’d definitely recommend going to see it. It seemed like a little bit more of a musical to me (kinda High School Musical-y at some points), but overall was a feel-good movie that you can’t help feeling happy after watching. I think I can attest for most of my friends that the Mamma Mia soundtrack is all we will have on in our cars for a while. Since I spent my afternoon enjoying that movie with friends, I decided to attempt to be productive on Friday night. Since our lease ends on our apartment in August we are all moving out during/after graduation which means that me dreading packing has already begun. To attempt to cope with this scary fact, I went through every dresser drawer, cubby, desk drawer, and under my bed to get rid of things I am no longer using or need. Fortunately, Nell and I were able to catch up on the phone while I was doing this which certainly made it more fun for me. While it was definitely a chore (and I’m ready to get rid of the bags of stuff I’m donating out of my room) it feels really satisfying now to know that all I have to do when I start packing my room is put things in boxes or bags and not clean everything again. If you have any moving tips I’ll take them because the thought of getting started seems a bit overwhelming. 

Saturday morning, I slept in a little bit and tackled the parts of my room left undone the night before. My next parts to tackle are the hanging clothes in my closet and my bathroom (which I recently organized meaning hopefully it won’t be too bad). I had lunch with my friend Beth whose classroom I was in Senior year for student teaching and who was my mentor at my school this past year. We have gotten really close during our time together, so it was great to catch up with her in person and hear about her summer. We went to my favorite Mexican restaurant which was delicious as always. Saturday night I went to dinner with a few friends at Rick’s Deli before having people over to our apartment before heading downtown. The night was pretty uneventful, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited when we finally came home because I was ready for bed!

Sunday morning, I tried to finish up a project at Starbucks that is due today.  I stayed there until past lunch time and ate something before sitting by the pool with friends for about an hour. Supposedly yesterday was our last pretty day for a while since there is rain in the forecast all week. My fingers are crossed that the sun will show itself some too. 

I know I stink since I have been failing on the video aspect of these posts. A lot of times I don’t remember that I should have a video for them until Sunday night when it is already dark out making it especially hard to film. Next week hopefully I’ll have one and have even made myself a post-it as a reminder. Fingers crossed. Hopefully seeing it typed out isn’t too much of a bummer! 

Reading: ---
Honestly, I haven’t been reading that much lately. I do most of my reading by the pool in the summer and since this weekend was the first time since I don’t know when that I sat by the pool I haven’t been going through books at the rate I usually do. I also haven’t been the best about reading before bed and may make that a goal for myself for this week. 

Watching: Southern Charm 
We will be watching Southern Charm until we finish all five seasons. This may have to be done without furniture and while packing but Ellison and I are determined to finish it together before we move in August! 

Eating: Tate’s Chocolate Chip Cookies
I blame Nell for introducing these to me because they are delicious. I saw them when grocery shopping and added them to my cart which was a dangerous move. I usually don’t like store bought cookies and would much prefer the cookies I do eat to be soft but for whatever reason these are an exception to both of those rules. 

Wearing: This striped dress on repeat!
If you’re on the hunt for the perfect dress to throw on regardless of what you may be doing, this is it! It has pockets, is thick enough to not be see through but thin enough to be perfect in the heat, and it is a modest length! I have it in two colors and would wear it every day if that were acceptable. 

Wanting: Clarity
It felt so good to share this post with y’all, and I was blown away by such supportive responses. As I am trying to figure out my next steps and make decisions I really wish I had more clarity. I know things will work themselves out but right now it has been a little bit overwhelming. 

Last Week’s Posts You May Have Missed:

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