Monday, May 29, 2017

Step Into My Week & More Memorial Day Sale Favorites

I hope that y'all are enjoying the extension of your weekend today and spending it with friends or family for Memorial Day. Personally, I am hoping to get a lot done this week and that to-do list starts today. I've been working on some fun projects and have a lot of photographs to shoot so I am glad to have today to get a head start on that. I'll be heading back to Greenville on Saturday so that I can start furnishing my apartment, setting up wifi (definitely needed), and setting in before grad school starts on the seventh.

Similar to this week, last week was spent trying to get ahead and making sure I've been productive here before heading back. I've been painting the desk I bought for my apartment, catching up on emails and posts, and have even been shopping some sales since getting back from the beach this past weekend. Clearly there is lots in the works (and one surprise I haven't even told y'all about yet) so it has been nice to get things done. Below are some pictures from this week! 

After receiving a number of requests on instagram for new videos (specifically vlogs) I decided to blog Wednesday of this week which you can watch here! 

If you haven't started shopping Memorial Day sales yet I've featured some of my favorite finds in the following two posts to make shopping easy for y'all!

And if you haven't seen my other posts from this week I've included them below to make it especially easy for you! 

I'd love to hear any requests you may have for blog posts as I begin working through some this week! I hope your week is off to a great start! 


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