Wednesday, June 15, 2016

You Gotta Regatta Is Back

I feel like I should have a megaphone for this announcement since it is just THAT good. If you've been a Lilly lover for a while then chances are you have heard about the rarity of getting a piece in the You Gotta Regatta print. Well…that just got a whole lot easier! Lilly Pulitzer just re-released the print in a pop-up shop while supplies last so if you've been hoping to get your hands on a piece in the print there is no better time than now! I like that even though this is a re-release that the print has been updated a bit with more vivid colors and is offered on a variety of items so you're sure to find a style you'd wear! 

Right now it seems as though most sizes are in stock but if you're desperately wanting a piece in this print I would recommend snagging it fast. I think that the Adie shorts are a great place to start since they would be perfect to beat the summer heat and are a bit less expensive than some of the other items offered. 

Shop the pieces from the links above or by scrolling through the widget below! I'd love to here which style is your favorite or if you'll be snagging a piece before it sells out! 


  1. I'm so excited! I've already purchased the trapeze dress and I might have to pick up the Elsa, haha.
    XO Alyson |

  2. I am so excited about this! I want either get the shorts, the shift dress, the elsa, or the beach towel...decisions, decisions!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm so excited! Next to "Into the Deep", "You Gotta Regatta" is one my all-time favorite prints.

    Emma //

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