Monday, June 11, 2018

Step Into My Week

Good morning y’all! Rarely do I write a blog post on the day it goes live but today is an exception and for good reason (all of which we will get through but you know I like to work through things chronologically). There has been a lot going on in the last week that I am excited to share with y’all starting with the end of the school year.

The school year officially ended with a half day for the students on Wednesday after full days on Monday and Tuesday. I was missing about 7 kids on Wednesday so the goodbyes happened over time and I can guarantee you that no learning took place on Wednesday (oops). Instead, we celebrated the half day with board games, movies, and snacks. I’m pretty positive that is how most fourth graders would want to start summer anyway.

Earlier in the week I packed up my classroom and also decided that this week was a great one to get back into running. Three runs later in addition to moving stuff in the classroom made it so I’ve been extra sore (the tell all sign that it has been too long since I last worked out). Now that it is “summer” I’m hoping to be more consistent about working out.

*Leaving school on Friday now that summer is finally here!

Thursday and Friday were work days for teachers so I was able to organize permanent records and report cards without the chaotic excitement of students who know that summer is approaching. And as if I was not tired enough after the exhausting week, our Thursday night kickball game didn’t start until 9:30. Needless to say, I was tired come Friday morning but excited for a fun weekend ahead.

My friends and I had been looking forward to June 8th (the last day of school) for a long time and were determined to celebrate. We went to dinner around 7:00 before having a bunch of our friends in town over to our apartment before heading downtown. Our roommate that isn’t doing grad school moved out at the beginning of last week so we transformed her room into a beachy oasis and did our best to make our apartment look put together after some of our furniture left with her. After about 3 hours at our apartment we left for downtown Greenville and headed for a rooftop bar. We stayed there for a bit before heading to everyone’s go to spot when we were in college. The playlist there was great so I ended up spending most of the rest of the night dancing with friends before we all went to get a bagel at Sully’s Steamers. Sophia spent the night with Ellison and I and we all slept in on Saturday.

Saturday morning, we made cinnamon rolls while recapping the night. Ellison and I decided to go and read by the pool for a while before resting in the afternoon. That night we went with some friends to dinner before a baseball game. Our friend who we went with last Sunday whose company has box tickets had invited us again which meant that we were able to stay cool in the air conditioned box. Fortunately, it wasn’t as hot for this game as it was for the last so we watched from the seats outside as well. After the game was over we met with some friends at a nearby bar before heading back home.

Sunday, I slept later than I’ve ever slept which I think was my bodies way of catching up after a busy last week. I cleaned our apartment and ran some errands before Nell (my freshman and senior year roommate and best friend) arrived on Sunday afternoon. As if my weekend of summer hadn’t been fun enough, now she is staying with me until I head out of town on Thursday! We ate some chips and guacamole while she filled me in about a wedding she was in before we eventually got ready for dinner. We went to Hall’s, a delicious steakhouse in Greenville (their original location is in Charleston). On Sunday nights, if you eat at the bar, they have a $5 burger special. That’s what we both ended up getting and it was delicious. Then we walked around Falls Park before taking a trip down memory lane. We decided to drive out to Furman and walk around campus and stopped at Cookout (Furman students favorite late night spot) for a milkshake on the way home. At that point, we got ready for bed and turned on the Parent Trap before eventually falling asleep.


Today starts my first day of grad school for this summer which is why summer has been in quotation marks seeing as this past weekend was my summer to an extent. I am hoping that I’ll be able to be more consistent with posts and maybe even videos too in the near future since I won’t have to be juggling teaching on top of grad school and blogging.


Reading: The Breakdown
Still on this book but I made a bit more progress on Saturday. I can’t say that it is my favorite of the thrillers I have read but I think it is finally getting to the point where it isn’t quite as repetitive. The title has you thinking one thing but suddenly makes more sense so now that I’ve discovered that I expect it to be a bit more engaging.

Watching: The Parent Trap
So many of my students had never seen The Parent Trap that I decided to rent it for them to watch during some free time in the last few days of school. We didn’t get around to watching it so instead Nell and I started it last night. We annoyingly quoted just about every line and it made us both miss camp a bit. It is not quite summer until you’ve rewatched The Parent Trap.

I mentioned my favorite shampoo and conditioner recently in a post and after hearing how great the leave in product from the brand was decided to finally give it a try. After using it a couple of times I don’t think my hair has ever been this soft. It’s on the pricey side but I only plan to use it once a week (or every other week) so I am optimistic that it will last me a while!

My friend, Porter, had this top on a couple of weekends ago and I thought it was so cute that I ordered it in both of the colors it was available in (blue and white, naturally). It is the perfect throw on shirt for the summer and in the short amount of time I’ve owned them I’ve already worn them 3 times. I wore it to the baseball game with jean shorts, to run errands, and even with white jeans for dinner. If you’re looking for a great basic with a bit of added detail I’d highly recommend this top.

Posts From Last Week:

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