Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My Favorite Netflix Shows

I am currently on hurricane day number two here in Greenville. Yesterday it got windy and the power flickered a couple of times but it really wasn't too bad. I was shocked to find out that we don't have school today, and I think the people making that call may regret it. Since we have been stuck insider we've been epitomizing some lazy days with pajamas on pretty much all day and Netflix playing on the T.V. When I watch T.V. I like to do so while doing other things (which some of my friends hate). I'm not good at just sitting and watching a show and would much rather spend that time multitasking. If you have me watch a movie with you without me multitasking then you are just asking for me to fall asleep.

Since we've been on a Netflix kick over here (thank goodness for having power) I thought it would be fun to share some of the T.V. shows I've watched and enjoyed on Netflix. When putting this together I came to realize just how carried my taste is when it comes to shows but hopefully that means everyone will find something they like from this list. As for those of you who disagree with 13 Reasons Why, I understand where you're coming from. I do not necessarily agree with the subject line but once you start that show it is hard to stop. The writers definitely did a good job of pulling the viewer in. So, even if you don't agree with that one some of the other ones may still be of interest. I started watching New Girl yesterday and can not believe I didn't start watching it sooner. If you want a good laugh (and my roommates can attest to how funny I've found it so far) definitely watch it.

I'd love to hear what shows y'all love to watch on Netflix so I can add them to my list! 

1 comment :

  1. My favorite Netflix show right now has to be "Stranger Things." The mix of 80s memories, magical elements, and compelling personalities keeps me hooked! If you are presenting the binge-watching with academic responsibilities, using a marketing dissertation writing service can help you stay on top of your coursework while enjoying your favorite series.


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