Sunday, January 22, 2017

Optimistic Sunday Sayings vol. 1

I am so excited for this post to go live since it is the first of a new series that you’ll find on Prep In Your Step! As I’ve mentioned in a few posts I’ve been pretty overwhelmed with the start of the semester. I am a perfectionist by nature and tend to get pretty stressed when I don’t feel like I am functioning at my best. I am sure that is part of the reason I’ve been so anxious the past few weeks as I prepare to begin student teaching in about 2 weeks. With all of this in mind I have been trying to think of ways to get out of this funk and one solution I tend to gravitate towards is looking up positive quotes. Whether that is writing down things I hear or scrolling through Pinterest to find inspiration these quotes have been helping me to reframe my outlook a bit.

The idea for this new series, “Optimistic Sunday Sayings,” came to me in class Friday. The thought of sharing these quotes that have helped me to adjust my attitude while combining my love of creativity makes it the perfect new thing for this semester. I got this really cool drawing tablet for Christmas after taking a digital illustration class last semester and love that this gives me an excuse each week to use it!

My goal is to post a new optimistic saying for y’all each Sunday hopefully including an illustration I’ve had the chance to draw as well. I am by no means a digital illustrator, but I think it will be fun to see how my illustrations develop over time! So, here is this week’s saying! I hope it inspires you to focus on all the good things or what is going right instead of what may be going wrong!

Here’s to starting the week with the right mentality!


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