Monday, March 26, 2018

Step Into My Week

Happy Monday. I know I can't be the only one who is over waking up in the morning to chilly weather. I'm very impressed by those of you who have been tolerating snow for the last couple of weeks. I definitely couldn't do that. We've had some chilly mornings and that alone makes it hard enough to start my week or morning. My fingers are crossed that we are all moving past the cold weather and instead getting closer to more consistently warm temperatures. 

I feel like I don't have that much to update you on from this past week since it was relatively normal. Monday night I had class and was mentally preparing for the field trip that we took on Tuesday to a local science center. I was interested to see how that would go for my class, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much my students enjoyed the activities there. Field trips always wear me out. I know that many teachers can attest to that. I purposely left my bed unmade so that I could come back from school and take a nap. I never take naps on weekdays so that was the best treat. Thursday night my roommates and I went out to dinner at Grill Marks, a local burger place downtown, to celebrate Friday Eve. Friday was the end of our third quarter which meant that grades needed to be in to prepare for report cards. After a productive day at school, I decided to keep that up so that I could be finished with most of my work before heading out of town on Saturday. For the most part, my friends and I all do our own things on Friday nights since we are exhausted from the week. Most of the time, I treat Friday as if it is a school night. I was able to finish a number of things and even cleaned my apartment and did laundry before eventually going to bed. 

As I mentioned last week, I'll be continuing to post my outfits from the week on instagram stories and in Step Into My Week posts for y'all. I have found a way to make it a little bit easier for you to shop the pieces in each outfit either on instagram or here. Now, beneath the outfit you'll find a single link that will take you to pictures of any of the available products featured. Hopefully this will make it easy for you to purchase any of the pieces included that you are interested in. 

As I mentioned earlier, I went out of town on Saturday to see my big in Charlotte. I was invited to a blog event at GoodRoad Cider with Riders by Lee on Saturday as well which was super convenient timing. The event included the opportunity to try on some of Riders by Lee's pieces, listen to a panel of designers and industry experts, while also mingling with other attendees. I left that event around 2:30 and was off to Caroline's apartment to catch up with each other before our plans for the evening commenced.

I love an excuse to leave town for the weekend especially when it involves visiting friends. Caroline had asked me a while ago to go to another concert with her (see this Step Into My Week from our last concert together) and that was the easiest yes. Two other girls from our sorority at Furman also joined us to see Lanco. I hadn't heard much of their music but I was really impressed by the concert. Beforehand, we met with a group of Caroline's friends at a Mexican restaurant for dinner. We did a lot better on our arrival timing this concert and were there just in time for Lanco to start. We went back to Caroline's apartment after the concert and were all exhausted. It didn't take us long at all to fall asleep.


We slept in a bit yesterday before making a big breakfast and chatting before I went back to Greenville. The drive back was easy until I decided to go to Trader Joe's on a Sunday. Anyone else try to avoid grocery shopping with everyone else on Sundays? It is always a zoo. It was nice to come back to my apartment and not have to head out again since it was especially cold out. I spent the rest of my afternoon getting work done to prepare for the week ahead. 

You'll have to forgive me this week for skipping the currently section of my Step Into My Week post since I am trying to get to bed at a reasonable hour to power through this last week of school before Spring Break. I'll definitely try to be super thorough in my currently section for y'all next week to make up for not including it this week. 

I'd love to hear the highlight of your weekend in the comments. I hope that you all have a wonderful start to your week. 

Posts From The Past Week:


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  2. "Step Into My Week" is an emotional invitation to traverse the highs and lows of my journey. Each step echoes with a melody of experiences, a poignant soundtrack to the rhythm of daily life. From sunrise to sunset, the emotional landscape unfolds, revealing the tapestry of moments that shape who I am. Through challenges and triumphs, this week is a heartfelt chapter in the novel of my existence, a narrative that beckons you to feel the emotions woven into every day. Join me in this intimate exploration, where vulnerability and strength intertwine, creating a symphony of living. divorcio en las leyes de nueva jersey

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