Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fall Morning Playlist

With colder mornings spent finally drinking coffee that isn't iced and increased motivation to get things done I've found myself looking for new music to listen to. While I definitely have a very varied taste in music when I began to put together a fall morning playlist a couple of weeks ago I found that many of the songs were very similar. The last time I shared a playlist with y'all it got a really great response so I thought it would be fun to share my fall morning playlist as well. I am constantly looking for new playlists and figured some of you may be in that same boat and this post would prove to be useful. 

If y'all know of any great playlists either you've made or discovered feel free to let me know below as I am always on the hunt for something new. 


  1. Love this Dorothy! Have you listened to the Hamilton soundtrack yet?

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