Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Ways to Prepare for the School Year This Summer

I kind of hate myself for posting this because it means that the reality of a new school year is almost here. There is a lot that can be done before heading back to school that makes adjusting to the routine of classes, homework, and schedules in general a lot easier! Going back to school is an adjustment for everyone but when you've been soaking up summer until the last minute then it can be especially difficult. Here are some of my best tips for preparing to head back to school. 

While these may seem boring and monotonous spreading these tasks out over your remaining days of summer will make it so that you aren't scrambling to get everything accomplished on your final days of summer! 

Clean Off Your Computer
This is one of the things that has been on my to do list forever. I finally did it this summer and although it caused a deletion of all of my pictures (my own fault and completely accidental, project save pictures is in full swing). Be extra cautious as you do this but it will free up tons of space on your computer and allows you to ensure that you won't have to do it during the school year.

Complete the Common App
This only applies to college seniors but if you have the chance to complete this before going back to school you will alleviate any stress you may have. This was definitely one of the best things I did senior year and I had plenty of friends who wished they had done so as well. 

Order Your Textbooks & Glance At Them
Don't wait until the last minute to do this. You'd hate to have an assignment given to you before your books arrive and start the semester  behind. 

Clean Your Room & Closet
One of my least favorite tasks but one of the most rewarding once it's been completed. I may be an organization addict but regardless of whether you like organizing or not a clean room allows you to be more focused. 

Get School Supplies
My favorite! Head to your favorite school supply destination and grab some colorful pens, notebooks, and folders and organize them to your liking for all of your subjects!

Actually Do Your Summer Reading
One of the best parts about college is not having summer reading but if you still have summer reading to do don't wait until the last minute. Devote an hour a day to completing it and you'll be done before you know it! 

Get A Haircut
I personally love getting my haircut but so often I overlook getting it done. Go ahead and make an appointment since soon your schedule will be full and this will be put on the back burner.

Try Getting Into A Routine
Setting up a routine about a week before heading back to school is a great way to not be so groggy come your alarm ringing on your first morning of school. Start going to bed earlier and wake up earlier to transition into your routine. 

Purchase A Few New Pieces
Who doesn't love starting the school year with a few new pieces to add to your outfits. After you've cleaned out your closet reevaluate what you may need and head to your favorite stores to look for it! 

Spend Some Time With Your Family 
Especially when you're in college spending quality time with your family before heading back to school or when schedules get too busy is a great way to head back to school with a few more memories and a great relationship. Personally, my family is what I miss most when I am away at school.

Create A Resume 
A resume is a great thing to have and as you get older will be necessary to have. Start adding some of your extracurriculars and achievements to it as you go so nothing is forgotten when someone asks for it! 

Start Using A Planner
A MUST have when going back to school. If you don't use a planner now then this school year is the perfect time to start. Begin getting used to it now and write down some of these tasks so that you'll be set to go come the first day of school.

What are your best ways to prepare for the school year during the summer?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I alwaysss get a haircut before school. One of the freshest feelings is a nice chop. I have many things on this list planned, so I'm glad I'm pretty prepared :) -cleaning out my closet is going to be a pain though, haha.

    Peace & Love // Celestralite

    1. its summer time and schools are getting off and students need summer clothes and cosplay costume like casino royale tuxedo for fun events.

  3. I cannot express to you how helpful your blog is to me - especially as a rising high school junior!
    Your posts are fantastic, well-written, stylish, and informative. I am obsessed.
    - Ruth S. |

  4. I start school tomorrow and I am so glad to know that I have completed most of the stuff on this list! Still working on my college application though. Thanks for the great tips, so helpful!


  5. These are great tips! I'm still a little bit in denial that school is starting in a week for me, but I will definitely use all of these tips!
    XO Alyson |

  6. Such a great post as usual! I cannot wait to start using this tips as soon as I get back!

    Sophia B.

  7. I love this post! Thanks Dorothy for all the awesome tips, your posts have been killing it lately!


  8. Great post Dorothy. I've just recently found your blog and I love it! I can really relate to your posts because we are quite similar. I'm obsessed with planners and organising - a perfectionist for sure ! I'm starting university here in Ireland soon & your college posts are much appreciated xoxo

  9. This was such a great post! I love back-to-school posts. This time of year really inspires me to get super organized!

  10. Such great tips! I just did a Back to School Tips blog post as well!

  11. The dreaded back to school talk... ugh... at least it means fall fashion is right around the corner! My favorite!

    Always with love,
    Sadie Lee

  12. Thank you so much for such a great, to the point post. I'm just about to start my first year of college (I'm so nervous) and it's really hard for me to get up & motivated about school until the night before it all happens! But I am certainly going to clean out my computer this week and organize my closet since my sister is moving out for college as well. Have a lovely day!

  13. Great post! Really good advice, I needed to know some of this!

  14. Awesome post, Dorothy! I've added a few things to my to-do list after reading.


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  17. Thank you so much for sharing this great blog.Very inspiring and helpful too.Hope you continue to share more of your ideas.I will definitely love to read.

  18. Great school prep advice! Use summer to organize and succeed. Cleaning your computer, applying to college, and getting textbooks early are great measures. To ease the adjustment, clean your room, set a schedule, and spend time with relatives. A new Tokyo revengers Valhalla jacket, for example, is a great way to kick off the academic year in style.

  19. Planning ahead for these tasks during the remaining days of summer is a smart move. By gradually tackling them, you can avoid last-minute stress. Start by cleaning your computer, ensuring you don't lose important data like I did My Assignment Help. If you're a college senior, completing the Common App early will relieve future stress. Order textbooks, clean your room and closet for improved focus, and get your school supplies organized. Don't forget to tackle your summer reading gradually. Schedule a haircut and start transitioning into a school routine. Treat yourself to a few new wardrobe pieces to kick off the school year with style.

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