Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Day of School Confidence Boosters

The first day of school is always a bit nerve wracking. I am a junior in college and still get first day jitters, and no it isn't from the coffee. Whether you've been eat the same school with the same people since kindergarten or you are a brand new college student I think just about everyone is a little anxious about their first day of a school year. Whether that be anxious-nervous like you're dreading it or anxious-excited like you're looking forward to it (Parent Trap anyone?) it helps to go into the day and school year with a bit of confidence!

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Although my first day of class was yesterday when you are in college the first two days both feel like the first day of school since you have different classes. While I obsessively check to make sure that my backpack is packed and my schedule is on my phone sometimes that isn't enough for me to feel confident for the first day. I have learned that that is ok but have also learned to implement a few great confidence boosters that I thought would be useful for any of you that may be a bit anxious about the first day as well!

It's hard to feel bummed or unhappy when you are smiling. Doing this is such an easy way to show others that you are inviting and friendly and will likely lead to more people wanting to talk to you! When walking to class each day it is hard not to be excited to see people I know so be sure to smile and wave to them as a familiar face definitely leaves me more confident.

Be Positive
No one likes to be surrounded by negative people all the time. By having a positive attitude you will likely be taking on the day with a better outlook which will hopefully in turn lead to more confidence. 

Say Hello and Compliment Others
While getting compliments is great giving them can be even better. If you love someones haircut or notebook be sure to tell them! This is a great way to strike up a conversation and get acclimated with others which leaves me less anxious.

Wear a Favorite Outfit
Being confident about what you are wearing is so important because it also leads to the way you carry yourself. Specifically wear some of your favorite pieces in the first few days of school so that you don't have to worry about your outfit and can instead focus on meeting new people and adjusting to a new environment. 

Sit Up Straight 
People seem so much more approachable when they aren't slouching. Whether you are sitting or standing making sure you have good posture is a great way to keep yourself engaged while showing others that you are confident about your work and serious about school.

Get a Good Breakfast
I can't do anything successfully when I am hungry and I definitely do not feel confident when my stomach is growling. Getting a good breakfast in the morning is crucial!

Go With a Friend
Driving to school or walking to class with a friend is a great way to calm any first day jitters you may have. I have discovered that my apartment is about a mile from my classroom buildings and walking to class with a friend is a great distraction from any thoughts that may be going through my head! 

Be Organized
I feel most confident at school when I have my act together and for me this comes by means of organization. Use a planner, write down your work, and come prepared and you will surely feel more confident about your day! 

Whiten Your Teeth 
I know I talked about smiling already but using whitening strips or something of the sort is a great and easy way to boost  your confidence. I find that I smile more after I've whitened my teeth and there are lots of whitening strips that are affordable that will allow this to be an easy way to boost your confidence. 

Don't Compare Yourself to Others
So you've probably heard before that comparison can be the thief of joy and that statement is so true. If you're comparing yourself to others it is going to be a lot more difficult to be confident in yourself so try to drop the comparisons and instead compliment people when you find yourself wanting to compare.

Listen to Your Favorite Song on the Way
I don't know about y'all but singing along to my favorite song puts me in such a great mood and always boosts my confidence. Listening to a great playlist in the morning had become my new favorite thing to do to boost my mood and confidence each day! 

Reward Yourself
One of my favorite tips! Rewarding yourself can be through a tasty treat at the end of a good day or a new but useful purchase that will make you excited and confident. A great reward to get could be a new piece of clothing that you fee confident and comfortable in! I am planning on rewarding myself with a back to school gift of a fit bit so that I can track how much I am walking around each day and find the trek to class more enjoyable and positive which will hopefully in turn boost my confidence.

I always feel much more confident after I workout and I also find that it is a great way to relieve stress. In the words of Legally Blonde "endorphins make you happy" and happy people appear more confident. 

And if you need an extra boost of encouragement then this girl is your go to, strive to be like her, I know I am! Remember, "you can do anything good!"


  1. This is much needed even on days of the week when I'm less than thrilled to wake up and go to class! Listening to my favorite song or playlist while I'm getting ready in the morning has definitely been a go to for me(:

    The Blonde Starfish

    1. It's so hard me because I am always shy and sometimes I feel like people will make of fun of me.

  2. I love this post! Seriously everything is so on point! Especially sitting up straight, that works best for me!

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld

  3. I may have treated myself a little bit before my first first day is tomorrow and I ordered new Bean Boots today...but I'll be looking forward to them being delivered :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  4. def needed this


  5. These were great reminders! The first day is always very nerve-racking!

    - Cat -


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