Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Packing for Paris and London for 3 Weeks in May

As you probably read in my carry on post I definitely aimed to downsize when packing for my trip to Paris and London. The more room left in the suitcase the more things that can be brought back home with me! The only tricky part about that is that in both of these cities I wanted to look as though I belong there and that is especially hard when it comes to how chic some Parisians can look! I can proudly say that my suitcase weighed 40 pounds at the airport and I have enough clothes with me to mix and match outfits for more days then I will be here for.

            I had been told that when packing to go somewhere (especially Paris) for an extended period of time it is best to choose a color pallet and then add in statement pieces to be traded around. Since my closet isn't exactly comprised of that many neutrals I did the best I could to make the pieces I brought with me as versatile as possible.

Another tricky part would have to be the weather. May is a great time to come since lots of flowers are blooming and the grass is green but it can also get a bit chilly.  As much as I wanted to deny a potential chill or rain I knew that in order to be practical I would have to pack with those facts in mind.

Here are some of the pieces that made the cut and be sure to check under the photo for details about other items I brought along with me.

3 Skirts
1 black / 1 white / 1 navy

4 Pairs of Pants
1 pair of dark wash skinny jeans / 2 pairs of navy gigi pants from J.Crew / 1 pair of black gigi pants from J.Crew

5 Scarves
navy and white infinity / blue and grey one / multi colored tassel / leopard / blue and white striped

4 Cardigans
grey / black / white / dark grey thicker one

5 Piko Tops
white / blue / purple / grey / black 

8 Other Shirts
4 blouses / 4 other ones 

2 Tanks
white ruffle / navy and white strips 

3 "Fancy" Dresses
leopard shift / blue accordion style / black peplum hem

2 Casual Dresses & 2 Swing Dresses
short sleeved patterned / long sleeve patterned / black and white stripe swing dress / navy swing dress 

2 Pairs of Pajamas w/ T-shirts
1 pair of shorts / 1 pair of pants

6 Pairs of Shoes
white converse (not pictured) / leopard slip ons (not pictured)  / black ballet flats / tan ballet flats / black heels

Miscellaneous Items
dryer sheets / cotton rounds / jewelry in a pouch / dry shampoo / nail polish / woolite / pouch w/ sewing kit, wisps, flossers, q-tips etc / eye makeup remover, nail polish remover, mini hairspray

Pouches w/ underwear & socks

Makeup bag / straightner / travel containers w/ shampoo, conditioner, etc

Hope y'all enjoyed this look inside my suitcase!


  1. Love seeing what you packed! You surely packed a lot for your bag being under 40 pounds!


  2. You did a great job sticking to neutrals, I have such a hard time doing that when I go on long trips! I would love to see what jewelry you're bringing to dress up your outfits :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  3. I;m so exicted to see other posts on your blog, You have to do a carry on essentials

    check out my newest post

  4. Hi Dorothy!! My name is Lyssa, I actually go to Clemson (not too far from Furman)! Next semester I'm studying abroad in Paris for 5 months, and am stuck on fitting 5 months worth of clothes into one suitcase! Is there anything you wished you had packed, or regretted packing? I heard that I should pack lots of black, gray, and neutral clothes for Paris!

    P.S. Planning on carrying on the tradition of taste-testing every macaroon I can get my hands on, until I find the best in Paris! :)

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