Confession time, Novels With Nell is a day late because I fell asleep. You win some and you lose some, but I didn't want to sacrifice the Novels with Nell schedule we have going so I hope you're equally as excited to see this on a Thursday instead of a Wednesday. I had to laugh when Nell told me what she wanted to write about this week since I am surrounded by children's books non-stop. While right now I'm not sure if I would want to make the book I come home to read one that I could read to my students at school I completely agree with noticing new details. The read alouds I've done in my classroom with my students so far have all been books that I LOVED when I was a student that I can only hope that my students will love as well. They get a kick out of seeing my first and last name in my fourth grade handwriting on the first page of the book and my mom's neat handwriting with the AR point value underneath. It's comforting to revisit an old favorite, and I am confident I could make a very lengthy list of all the children's books I'd love to re-read.
Read a Children’s Book
Yes, you read that right. This week I’m sharing the idea that you read a children’s book. Is there a book you wish you read as a kid? Or do you have an old childhood favorite book or series? Pick it back up and revisit it. I never read The Chronicles of Narnia series growing up so I’m doing it now, and honestly I’m probably enjoying it more now than I would if I had read it at a younger age. Last summer I reread Anne of Green Gables, which I had last read in sixth grade. I loved it and ended up reading the entire Anne series. So what if the back says it’s aimed at 12-year-olds? Rereading a childhood book can take you back to a simpler time from your youth, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you got something different out of it and noticed details you missed the first time around.
So while I’m over here reading The Horse and His Boy, I hope you’ll join me in picking up a children’s book. Some of my favorites: Harry Potter, Laura Ingalls Wilder books, Pollyanna, Little Women, Caddie Woodlawn, Roald Dahl books. You’re never too old!
(Me again! A little fun fact for you because I am pretty excited, Nell is coming into town today! Maybe in our next Novels with Nell I'll confirm the progress she's made on The Horse and His Boy...)
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