Saturday, April 1, 2023

Saturday Shopping vol. 94

 I was sad to have not had a new Saturday Shopping post live for y'all last week! Hunter and I spent last weekend as a working weekend with lots of cleaning, home improvement, and yard work projects on the to-do list. It'll be nice to have these things done when I do eventually move in, but it has been a lot of work and there is still a ways to go. This weekend we are planning to continue with yard work and a few inside projects, but I don't think it will be quite as much work as last weekend! It'll be really exciting when new sod can be laid in his backyard since right now it's just a lot of dirt from where we've dug up weeds. 

Today's Saturday Shopping post is a much prettier view than that! With local schools having been on spring break this past week I definitely am itching to pull out all of my bright colored spring and summer clothing and take it for a spin. Here's a roundup of items that fit the bright spring and summer silhouette description if you're shopping for something new! 

1 comment :


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