Monday, February 8, 2016

Step Into My Week

Another week has come and passed. I want to know how y'all feel about Step Into Your Week posts being posted on Monday instead of Friday so that they can contain the weekend all in one week. Let me know if y'all have any sort of preference! I feel like it would make more sense this way but am happy to accommodate if you happen to have a preference! 

I just realized that aside from this weekend I didn't take any photos this week. It wasn't that it was uneventful but instead tended to follow a routine. I went to a number of Barre 3 classes, went to class, and spent a lot of time in the library working on KD stuff and studying for tests. I had my first day of field work this semester and I was placed into a fourth grade classroom where I get to spend three hours on Wednesday with the students helping them with reading, writing, and science. They are such an awesome class even though they are a bit older than I am looking to teach. 

The end of this week was pretty hectic as Kappa Delta nationally hosted all executive officers from every KD chapter around in Orlando, Florida from Friday until Sunday at our National Collegiate Training Academy. Although we had a very early flight to hear to Orlando from Greenville I absolutely adored my time there. I learned so much and can't verbalize how generous and inspiring it is that our national organization pays for and invests in all of us as leaders to bring us all to one place to learn to become the best leaders we can be.  I met so many awesome leaders (including some blog readers!!) and left yesterday with so many ideas of how to continue to strive for excellence and lead our chapter to be the best we can be. While there were so many sessions and an insane amount of girls in one hotel (2000 of us) nationals made sure that we had plenty of fun too. They unveiled their new brand to us, had Brooke Anderson speak to us about building our personal brand, and allowed us to understand how the world sees us as leaders. 

Nationals shared  code with us that allows anyone to take the same quiz and find out how the world sees them as leaders as well. If you're interested in seeing this (it was so cool and pretty accurate) you can use the code KDSHARE at this website. I have already had a lot of my friends take it and am hoping to have our whole chapter take it as well. My archetype is "the anchor" which makes my advantages trust and mystique so if you do end up taking it let me know which one you get!

I also got to hang out with my friend Holly who was in my KD pledge class at Furman before she transferred to Vanderbilt and became chapter president there. It was so great to have a friend at our sessions and catch up with her. 

Now I am back and attempting to settle back into routine and focus academically as the coming weeks have a lot going on! How was your weekend and what do you think of Monday Step Into My Weeks? 


  1. I got "THE INTRIGUE" and it made so much sense for me! What was your archetype?

    1. Just saw that you were an anchor. Our secondary advantages were the same.

  2. A girl I worked with this summer is a KD as well and she posted tons of pics from the event. Looks like it was a blast. I also got the ANCHOR! #twinning


  3. What ever is easiet for you to post ! Friday or Monday doesn't really matter to me thanks ! Great post by the way !

  4. I got the Diplomat. My primary advantage is trust, and my secondary advantage is prestige. This was really interesting. Thanks for sharing!

    xx, Julianna {}

  5. Your week always seem to be so interesting! Can't wait to see more 'Step Into My Week'.

    girl C

  6. Wow, your KD conference looks so fun! I personally like seeing Step Into My Weeks on Fridays but they're fun tor head either way!



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