Friday, January 20, 2012

Resolution Motivation.

Hey everyone! This is Allie Co from Creativity & Cardigans, guest blogging for dWa today! This is actually my first guest blog post so I'm super excited! 

This post is all about keeping up with your resolutions this a very preppy way! In case you didn't know, January 17th is National Ditch Your Resolution Day...which means by now most people have given up on losing 10 pounds, eating healthier, spending more time with the fam, etc. 

My main resolution this year is to get into a great workout schedule and get healthy! I've been trying really hard to run every day, but sometimes I need an extra push of motivation! One of the best motivation tools for me is getting new, cute, preppy running clothes!!! 

Here are some of my faves, most of which are on my wish list:
First is this adorable running skirt from Lululemon. I don't know anything more girly than a running skirt with ruffles...and it also comes in bright pink! 
Tervis Tumbler just came out with water bottles in this past week!!! I loveee my pink Camelbak bottle right now...but I've always been obsessed with Tervis! 
I found these running headbands on Etsy from Melissa's Knits. I love the pink and green combo (of course)...but they also come in tons of other cute prints! 
Any thing in Lululemon's signature color, Paris Pink, is also a must! I love this jacket for cold morning runs.

And if you're not into can always get motivated to take a yoga class with these adorable monogrammed yoga mats from Marley Lilly:

Sometimes, all we need is a little motivation to get us back on track...and sometimes that means cute new clothes!

What are your favorite ways to get motivated??? 


  1. I love PINK!!! Cute Blog!!

    your newest follower :)

  2. I'm with you! If I have cute work out clothes/accessories it motivates me

  3. I also love the jacket:) Along with those mats:)

  4. Love the yoga mats!

    Just started following!


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