Monday, March 4, 2013

College Decision Week!

I am so so excited to announce to y'all that I officially know where I will be heading to college next year. This indecisive girl has made a decision and y'all will be hearing all about it this week!

I am sure many of y'all have heard the saying that people can wear many hats, meaning they are able to do a lot of things. Well, in todays post, I am wearing many shirts since at this point you don't know where I am going yet. As the week goes on I will narrow down the number of college shirts per post and on Friday you will find out where I will be next year!

I decided to find a few college shirts and put them into a college collage (see what I did there) so that these posts won't bore you with solely text.

Names on shirts from left to right. These are just some shirts I have from different colleges, they may or may not signify anything.
(Sewanee/Ole Miss/UVA/Millsaps/University of North Carolina/University of Alabama/Princeton/Furman)

I hope you are as excited about this week as I am!


What's to come:

Tuesday: Where I applied.
Wednesday: Where I got in.
Thursday: Your Guess: Where do you think I am going to school next year?
Friday: College Reveal!


  1. COuld you write out the colleges that are on the shirts? Its kinda hard to tell all of the names! Thanks and Congratulations!!

  2. This is such a cute idea!!! xx

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Love this! I go to Sewanee (currently a senior), and I just got into graduate school, so this time of the year is making me so nostalgic about college decision making! Good luck and can't wait to see if you will be a Sewanee girl!

  5. I can't wait to hear where you have decided! GO HEELS! (I had to throw in my love for UNC)

  6. Congratulations, can't wait to see witch one you chose, seems like you have had offers from loads, over here in England we can only apply to five

  7. I love this idea! I really want you to go to Ole Miss! We could be roommates! Can't wait to find out!

  8. Congrats! I cannot wait to hear about all of this! Only two more years until I can do the same! :)

  9. furman! woo congratulations

    I may be a bit biased coming from VA, but go UVA!

  11. University of Alabama is where it's at! Roll Tide!

  12. I love love love this idea! UNC has my vote {I may or may not be biased}

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