Monday, December 5, 2011

Favorite Blogs to Read Right Now.

Since I am new to the blogging world and I don't have many posts I decided I would share some of my favorite bloggers out there. Most are preppy but all are amazing reads. If you haven't checked them out you definitely should!

In no particular order:

Did you make it through that long post? I sure hope so!  And now is the perfect time for me to provide ample distraction from studying for finals (sorry about that). But be sure to check out these lovely ladies' blogs because they were the ones who inspired me to start this journey and are more than enough inspiration for others as well. Someday I hope my blog is as put together as theirs, but for now I'm pretty pleased with the way it has turned out.

Have a great night!


  1. You are so sweet!! Thanks for featuring me on your blog! I am so glad you decided to make a blog -- you will LOVE it! Let me know if I can help you in any way! I'm looking forward to reading your blog! Good luck with your finals!!

    1. Good project and looks promising also great work and keep buty asics polska website up regards

  2. Blogging is great! and You definitely will love it! You have found some great blogs! Many of them are my favorites as well...Everyday AEM, Life of Emily, and I are really close! You will be surprised at how many awesome people you will meet through blogging! Thank you so much for featuring my blog! That was so sweet of you! :) Have a great day! Good luck of finals!

  3. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for featuring me on your blog. It seemed like not too long ago that I started mine! Blogging has definitely opened so many doors, friendships and opportunities to me! I am glad you started blogging and look forward to seeing what you blog about! It is so cute already. Good luck with finals, I'm about to start taking mine too! Always feel free to email me and ask me ANY questions, whether it's about blogging or not!

    Xo, Emily

  4. Oh my, thank you so much for featuring me on your blog! You are going to love blogging! It gives you a chance to meet so many new people. I can't wait to start reading your blog!

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