
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Gift Guide: Cozy at Home

While I enjoy the Christmas season for a variety of reasons, time spent at home is always pretty high on my list. This year we’ve pretty much all had more of that than we bargained for, but even still cozying up and staying in by the Christmas tree isn’t something I complain about. Couple that with a homecooked meal and cozy matching pajamas, and it sounds pretty ideal.

Whether you’re a homebody by nature or 2020 has taught you how to embrace slowing down and spending more time at home, I figured a gift guide explicitly catered to the extra time we are spending there was necessary. Even my own wish list looks like it was made for a night in, but today’s guide has even more options. 

Before we get into all of these ideas, I wanted to take a moment to share all of the different guides I’ve already shared for other recipients this year. I’ve linked directly to them below to make shopping as easy as possible.  

Top 10 Reader Purchased Gifts in 2019

You can shop the links under this image or scroll to the bottom of the page to shop using the clickable image. Hopefully, this makes holiday shopping even easier for you! 

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