
Friday, March 13, 2015

Step Into My Week {2015 #9 & #10}

So sorry for the lack of posting last week, with midterms and being sick for a week and a half sleep, school, and getting over being sick were the my main focus. Unfortunately, my spring break is wrapping up and I'll be heading back to school on Sunday. Next week is full of lots of exciting events like initiation and formal so my recap for next week should be exciting. 

The drive home was long because of traffic (in every state) but I came home to fresh flowers and a home cooked meal which was extra inviting.


Nothing better than a break spent by the bay!

A few of my friends from Furman (including my little) were at the beach nearby and came to spend the day hanging out with me in my hometown. Unfortunately the weather was a bit gross but we made the most of it!

There has been lots of basketball watching here lately and our loyalty clearly lies with the Tar Heels. 

The weather has been in the 70s which has me ready for permanent sunshine and warm weather!

Happy Weekend!!


  1. It looks like you had a great spring break! I'm loving the necklace in your last photograph :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  2. Loving all of these photographs, and I'm especially glad to see you're a Tar Heels fan!

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better! Being sick sucks! My family and I have been watching a lot of basketball too!
    Alyson |

  4. I absolutely LOVE those sunglasses in your first picture! Ray Ban?

  5. I love reading your "Step in my Week" posts. I always love reading how other bloggers spend their weeks.

    I have nominated you for an award. You can check it out on my blog.

  6. I love the weekly recaps! I had no idea you were a UNC fan. I hope this week is much better with midterms out of the way!
