
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Step Into My Week 10.19

 Hooray for the first “real” Step Into My Week post since July! I don’t really count last week’s post since it covered about half of my summer, but now we’re back to weekly recaps, and it feels good. Speaking of feeling good, the weather finally seems to be deciding it's fall. We had a fake fall a few weeks ago, which felt like a tease, but I’m optimistic these nice temperatures will stick around this time! 

I’ve been in the habit of starting my weeks off with a 6 am MPower class on Monday mornings and have been loving that. It feels like a productive start to the week, especially since I usually just have meetings and am working from home on those days. This past Monday however, I had a half-day shoot for Southern Lady’s porches and pumpkin's story for their October 2022 issue. My car was filled to the brim with pumpkins and mums, and by the time I had it all unloaded at noon I was tired of moving pumpkins and pretty hungry. I ate lunch, eventually showered, and spent the remainder of my day working from home. I typically have bible study on Monday nights, but because someone was unable to make it my friend Mary and I decided to get ice cream at Mountain Brook Creamery instead. After that, I got in bed to do a little more work before going to sleep.


I didn’t have a shoot on Tuesday, so I decided to get up early and go on a long walk before work started. I had hoped it was going to be cooler out, but the weather didn’t start to actually cool down until Saturday. Once I was home, I showered and worked from home until midafternoon. When my workday was over, I went to the Hibiscus House showroom to get some work done there as well. I listed some products on the website and staged a few Instagram posts before heading home to gather ingredients for Hunter and me to make homemade pizzas. We didn’t have a rolling pin and ended up having to use a wine bottle, but the end result was delicious! Once the Braves game he was watching ended we watched an episode of Hulu’s Only Murders in the Building. 

Wednesday, I was back in the office for a shoot featuring quiches. We finished around 3:00, and I completed my workday at home after that. That night Birmingham’s soccer team, The Legion, had a home game that Hunter and I went to with a few of his friends. The team won, and after the game, there was a very impressive firework show that took us all by surprise.

I had another shoot on Thursday that was a bit more all over the place since it was for a variety of columns for an upcoming issue. We wrapped around 1:00, and I was able to order in products for upcoming shoots before heading to the Hibiscus House showroom for a bit. After that I went to an MPower class to workout that evening. My parents were set to come to town over the weekend, so I began the process of deep cleaning my house and doing lots of laundry that night so that I wouldn’t have to do all of it after work on Friday.

I got up early on Friday to get some work done before going to a workout class at MPower. After the class, I got a much-needed car wash and came home to get through my workday before showering and cleaning the house. With swiffering, vacuuming, dusting, and wiping down everything in addition to laundry and changing my sheets my time before my parents arrived was pretty much shot. I was able to get myself ready and eat lunch right before they arrived around 2:00. Since they were staying with me they brought our dog, Scout, who quickly made herself at home. That afternoon we had reservations at Top Golf which was on my dad’s to-do list of activities. He and Hunter definitely showed up my mom and me, but I think everyone had a good time! I realized just how bad I am at golf when the only impressive thing I did the whole time was accidentally hit the cart that was picking up stray golf balls. Once our time there was up we went back to my house to get Scout so that she could join us for dinner at Back Forty. After that, it was back to my house where I had my parents watch the first few episodes of Ted Lasso before going to sleep.

Saturday morning was when the weather finally got pleasant, so we went to Pepper Place’s farmer’s market to wander around. My mom got a few things and my dad and I grabbed some treats for breakfast before venturing to The General and Shoppe in Forrest Park. Next, we headed to Crestline to go in some stores there before getting an early lunch at Saw’s and taking Scout on a walk around the hidden Crestline Park. Since football games were on my mom and I left my dad at my house to watch and did a bit more shopping before taking it easy in the afternoon before our dinner reservation. We went to Helen at 6:15 which I was excited to try after hearing some mixed reviews. I enjoyed everything we ordered and it seemed like everyone else did as well! Once dinner was over we went back to my house to watch the end of the Alabama game.

 My parents wanted to get on the road somewhat early Sunday morning, so after drinking coffee and packing up they left. I was able to do some laundry and get my grocery shopping complete in the morning and spent the afternoon cooking and catching up on the phone with friends before going on a long walk. I came home and showered and got a bit of work done before Hunter came over to eat some of the soup I made. We were trying to find a Halloween movie to watch, but we started Squid Game on Netflix instead. We’re three episodes in, and it’s interesting, but if you have a weak stomach, I wouldn’t recommend it. 

I know I said this last week, but it feels so good to be back! Stay tuned this week as I try to get in the routine of having 2-3 blog posts up! 

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