
Monday, May 24, 2021

Step Into my Week 5.24

 Happy Monday! I got up early today in an attempt to get a head start on my to-do list before a relatively busy week. I have a work shoot in Huntsville on Wednesday that I know will make it hard to check any tasks off my list, and I am hoping that this morning’s productivity will make up for that! We shall see. I do feel like I’ve got a nice head start on packing my things to move next door next week, which feels like a relief! 

Today’s Step Into My Week post feels shorter than most since last week took y’all through Tuesday, and we have fewer days to cover. Hopefully, you’ll still find it entertaining! 

Originally I was supposed to have a shoot on Wednesday, but the recipes we were going to be shooting needed some tweaking, so that was canceled, giving me a day to catch up on work at home after starting my morning with a cycling class. I was able to get a plan for an upcoming location shoot and talk through some details of that without feeling too pressed for time. Later in the afternoon, I went to the Hibiscus House showroom to get some work done, and that night we had our first bible study back after taking a month off. Once Rebecca and I got back from that, we both got in our beds early!

Thursday morning, I started my day with another cycling class and quickly showered afterward so that I could get through some things before a mid-day meeting. In the afternoon, I ordered in products, did some outreach for a shoot, and caught up on emails after being away. I went to the Hibiscus House showroom for a product pick up and while there took some photos before meeting my friends out that evening. My friend Hallie was back in town, so we went to dinner with a few other friends at Monday Night Brewing. I had their chicken bowl, which was really good (and likely easy to recreate) and the perfect amount of food. Afterward, a few of us went to the Barons baseball game. I think that was the longest I’ve ever stayed and the most I’ve ever watched of the game at a thirsty Thursday. Hunter decided that his ballpark snack of choice was going to be Mexican Street Corn which was a mess but didn’t stop him from getting Jeni’s ice cream with me after the game!

On Friday, I spent the morning getting work done before ending the workweek around noon. I finally made my way to the grocery store after putting it off for most of the week and then spent the afternoon starting to organize and pack my room. Hunter made a beer can chicken on his smoker that night for dinner, and since nothing much was going on, we went to Paramount downtown for a beer and to play arcade games. 

I slept in a little bit on Saturday before heading to the Hibiscus House showroom to be there when a delivery arrived. I was able to get a lot done photo and caption-wise for Instagram while there and continued doing some things for that into the afternoon. Since the weather was so nice and Rebecca and I were over spending time inside packing, we picked up Hunter and went to Avondale Brewing for a while. We ended up playing Uno most of the time while we were there. That night, Hunter and I went to dinner with his sister Janie (read her blog here) and then went back to his house to all play Mexican Train.

I was able to sleep in a little bit on Sunday as well, and had a relatively slow morning before spending most of my afternoon working on things for Hibiscus House and packing. I showered and got ready to go with Hunter, his sister, and his parents for dinner at the Birmingham Country Club and then came home to continue to get ahead for the week. 

I have a feeling next week’s Step Into My Week post is going to be filled with the words packing and working as I try to get ahead on things before spending most of the early part of next week moving. I’m going to do my best to have new blog posts up every day this week, but that will depend on how much I’m able to get ahead, so keep checking back and keep your fingers crossed!  

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