
Monday, March 15, 2021

Step Into My Week 3.15

 I am pleased to say that so far, this time change has been nothing but positive! I feel like in years past, I’ve felt more of the effects of losing an hour of sleep, but now I’m fully relishing in the fact that we get more daylight (even if it is supposed to be rainy and overcast here all week). In a meeting I had already this morning for work, we were reminiscing on the fact that a year ago, this would have been our first day of what we thought would be a two-week work from home stint. Obviously, that has lasted much longer than we imagined, and we still don’t know when we will be back in the office more full-time. I’ve started to like the flexibility of having days both in and out of the office much more than I did initially, and this week know I’ll be excited to work from home on Friday, given how many days I have shoots in the office. 

This past week I didn’t have a single shot in the office since my shoot on Monday was on-location at a house in Homewood. We were in the prettiest courtyard for a spring tablescape that will run in 2022, which meant I was up early ironing and loading my car at the office before heading to set everything up. We got all of the shots we needed by around 1:30, which meant I could work from home for a bit in the afternoon. Around 4:45, I went for a walk with a friend before running to the store and making myself dinner. A couple of friends came over to watch The Bachelor with my roommate and me that night, and once they left, I went to bed. 

I got up early on Tuesday to get a bit of work done before heading to a True40 class. I came home and quickly showered so that I could run into the office to unpack from the previous day’s shoot and begin packing boxes back up to return some of the products. I came home and had a late lunch during which I sent emails for products and locations for an upcoming shoot. Once I had finished all my work, Hunter and I went to play tennis for about an hour and then switched to pickleball for the next hour. We were both hungry by the time we finished and got dinner to-go from Taco Mama. We ate that and then played a few chess games while watching a movie before I went to bed. 

Wednesday was another work from home day for me since Monday was my only shoot day of the week. The weather was so lovely that I spent part of the morning working from our deck and even spent my lunch break on a walk. I eventually showered and continued to work and schedule meetings before making a quick dinner and meeting Nell and a couple of friends for trivia outside at a nearby bar. 

I got up early on Thursday to go to True40 before my workday began. I was able to cross many things off of my to-do list and ran to the store during lunch to get everything I needed for the weekend. The rest of my lunch break was spent baking a cake for Hunter’s birthday before spending the rest of the afternoon on my computer. I eventually did laundry and laid out things I needed to pack. I watched a show while eating dinner and was in bed that night around 8:00. 

On Friday morning, I got up and showered before realizing that my clothes hadn’t fully dried when doing my laundry the day before. I took them over to Hunter’s house to use his dryer before heading back to my house for a long meeting discussing two shoots I had the following week. Once that meeting had finished, I went back to get my laundry, and Hunter made us lunch, which was nice. I ran an errand on my way home, put my laundry away, and packed for the weekend all before 1:30 when Hunter picked me up for us to head out of town. Since his birthday was Sunday, we decided to go to Mentone (a mountain town in Alabama where we both grew up going to summer camp) for the weekend. It was only about an hour and a half drive, and our first stop was to Desoto Falls. As we were walking around there, a bird pooped on me, which wasn’t ideal, but aside from that, it was a good stop before heading to the cabin. Once we unpacked, we sat on the porch for a little while, and then he opened his birthday presents. We made a drink and took a game and a cheeseboard onto the porch, where we sat for a couple of hours talking and playing backgammon. We brought everything to make salmon, couscous, and some vegetables for dinner that night and ate that around 7:30. We watched a movie that night while eating the birthday cake I had made before going to bed pretty early.

Saturday morning, I woke up to a cardinal running into the window of the cabin repeatedly and, at that point, decided to go ahead and make coffee and breakfast. We had Conecuh sausage and cinnamon rolls before getting ready to drive an hour to Chattanooga to spend the day. We ate lunch at Urban Stack when we arrived and then went to Rock City, which was Shamrock City, for the weekend. It was a bit overcast while we were there, but I still had a great time taking in the sites. After spending about two hours there, we drove toward downtown and wandered across the walking bridge to the north shore. We walked through the park and into a few shops before walking back to the car and heading to dinner along the Tennessee River at The Boathouse. I thought we were going to dinner early, but there was still a little bit of a wait before we were seated. We ordered drinks and oysters before getting more seafood for dinner. We were able to watch the sunset while we finished our meal and then headed back towards Mentone. We were both shocked when we were back at the cabin by 6:30 and ended up watching the first and part of the second Harry Potter movie that night before going to sleep.

Sunday morning, I was again woken up to the cardinal running into the window but went back to sleep for a little bit. I made coffee around 8:00 and then eventually reheated the leftovers of our breakfast from the day before. After eating that, we packed up and made sure we had everything before loading up the car and checking out. We drove by my summer camp, Skyline, before driving back to Birmingham. We got back around lunchtime and made sandwiches while watching the second half of the Alabama basketball game. I went home, showered, unpacked, and took a nap before getting ready and heading back over to Hunter’s house so that we could go to his parent’s house for dinner to celebrate his birthday. His mom made a delicious meal, and we ate cake before leaving there around 8:30. I went to bed pretty early that night to prepare for a busy week ahead.

I hope that y’all also had a nice week, and I hope that you’re enjoying the time change as much as I am! 

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