
Monday, February 8, 2021

Step Into My Week 2.8

 I feel like my weeks will be picking up a little bit after this one, so I’m making it a goal to stay productive and positive this week in preparation for those busier weeks ahead. The start of this past week went by slowly to the point that I yet again woke up on Tuesday thinking it was Friday but felt like Thursday should’ve been Wednesday. Needless to say, my mind is having trouble keeping up with my schedule being so different week to week, oops! 

I decided to start my week out with a workout at True40, which felt good after mainly just running and walking as workouts in January. I went straight from that into three back-to-back meetings until around lunchtime. I showered and ate lunch while sending out documents for the shoots discussed in those meetings. Later in the afternoon, I went to Amanda’s house to help her with a few things for an upcoming launch she will have of her beautiful art. Once I finished there, I picked up the needlepoint project I ordered (see more about that in this post) and heated up some soup for dinner before watching The Bachelor with Nell. 

I woke up early on Tuesday morning to read in bed before getting ready and heading into the office for a shoot. The theme of the shoot was mayonnaise, which had me a little hesitant about how it would turn out, but somehow it looked nice, and we were finished by noon. I had a bunch of boxes to package up at my desk and was able to work on that and put away props before heading home to work there in the afternoon. Once my workday ended, I got ready since Hunter and I had plans to go out to dinner. We went to Bamboo (a sushi restaurant in downtown Birmingham), but there was a little bit of a wait, so we went to The Collins’ Bar before. Since we went to dinner so early, we got back to my house relatively early and watched a movie before I went to bed. 

shop this outfit here

Wednesday morning, I worked out before work and ran a few errands to find props for my shoot the following day after that workout. I showered and continued to get work done until later in the afternoon when Nell came over to help me with a few blog photos before going to dinner at Five for their Wednesday $5 burger special to celebrate Nell passing her boards. We had a little bit of downtime before bible study that night and watched an episode of TV before that. After bible study was over, I went straight to bed. 

I woke up early on Thursday morning and read before heading to the office for my shoot that day. We had to delay our start time since the shoot from the day before hadn’t yet been wrapped, but we were able to get everything done by around 4:00. I put my props away and headed home to finish working from there in the afternoon. I had some other computer work to get done, and then later that night, Hunter and I grabbed some Mexican food at La Paz before watching Netflix’s glass blowing competition show for a bit before I called it a night. 

shop this outfit here

Friday morning, I started my day with a workout class before showering and working most of the morning. I had a video meeting mid-morning and ordered in a bunch of props for an upcoming shoot I have. Nell came over around lunchtime because we had plans to go to a needlepoint shop in Vestavia to get threads and needles for the project we both got. Afterward, we ran a couple of errands, and after she left, I watched Criminal Minds while working on some blog tasks to hopefully get closer to transferring my site over to WordPress. That night Hunter and I went to the store to get stuff to make jambalaya for dinner, which was perfect for the cold and rainy weather we were having. After making dinner, we finished watching season one of the glass blowing show. 

I slept in a bit on Saturday morning since it was gloomy and gross-out and watched the sixth Harry Potter while it was on TV before deciding to do laundry and tidy up my room. In the afternoon, Nell, Rebecca, and I ventured to the new Buc-ee’s that opened in Leeds to see what it was all about. If you’re unfamiliar with Buc-ee’s, it’s a large gas station chain out of Texas with stores that feel like a cross between Cracker Barrell and Bass Pro Shop. We were definitely not the only ones who had the idea to check it out, so we didn’t stay too long. Once we got back to my house, Nell and I needlepointed for a while before eventually getting ready to celebrate a friend’s birthday that night. We had king cake and prosecco before grabbing a drink out and coming home before 11:00.

Sunday morning, I got up and made myself a coffee before getting back in bed to do some blog work. I went to the store in the morning to get groceries and then went for a long walk while listening to an audiobook. I stopped and got a cup of coffee halfway through, which was nice since it was pretty chilly. I came back, made myself lunch, and showered before talking on the phone with my parents and getting ready for a surprise engagement party that evening. The gathering was outside, and the Super Bowl was pulled up on a projector so everyone could watch while eating oysters and shrimp and grits. I made it home before 10:00 and thawed out after being in the cold before going to sleep. 

I hope that y’all had a nice weekend and are looking forward to the week ahead! 

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