
Thursday, November 12, 2020

'Tis The Season for Reading

I'm so excited to have Phoebe of Read & Wright back this month with another list of great books. I've been trying to be better about reading before bed and have found myself not all that excited about what I'm reading, so this post couldn't have come at a better time. I actually currently have my library's website open and am searching these books to see what is available and put a few on hold. I hope you'll do the same with any of the ones she recommends that strike your fancy. And as always, if you're not following along with her you are truly missing out! 


When I think of Thanksgiving and November, I always think about my family. Like Dorothy, I am a huge fan of the holiday season! It must have something to do with our December birthdays. I know Thanksgiving always feels like the holiday that gets forgotten, but I like to think of it as the holiday season’s debut! It’s the kick off for all the fun and exciting days ahead, and this year, don’t we need that joy more than anything? 

I wanted to share some books that focus on family, both blood and chosen, to get us in the spirit! I also included some of my favorite holiday-themed reads if you’re looking to cozy up with something to get you into the spirit. 

While the holidays may be different this year, I hope these books can bring a little comfort and joy your way! 

Family Oriented Reads

Ties That Tether by Jane Igharo

This is a debut Romance novel by a Nigeran Canadien author! It’s about family relationships and remaining true to yourself while navigating the expectations of parents. 

Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane

One of my most recommended books! This book is told from multiple perspectives of two families. A violent incident creates a dramatic rift between these neighbors, and we travel with them through the years, through the ups and downs, addiction, and forgiveness. 

If You Want To Make God Laugh by Bianca Marais

This is one of the most stunning books I’ve read! It’s another multi-perspective novel about the AIDS crisis in South Africa. It’s about family, chosen family, and identity. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking. 

The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know this is probably in my top 5 favorite books of all time. Yes, of all time. I’ve reread it many times, and I love the family dynamics between all the characters. It’s brain candy! 

Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell

Okay, stay with me. This is the story of Shakespeare’s son, Hamnet, who died of the plague and inspired the most iconic play of all time, Hamlet. It’s not boring!!!! I promise!!! It is about dreams and aspirations, the love of spouses and children. It’s so beautiful. 

The Larger Queen of Minnesota by J.Ryan Stradal

If you love stories about strong women, this is the book for you. It is so unique and delightfully midwestern, about a woman-owned and operated brewery! 

Long Bright River by Liz Moore

This book is perfect for thriller and mystery loves who want to read a little bit about family relationships. It’s about the opioid crisis in Philadelphia and how the lives of two sisters have been impacted: one a police officer, one an addict. 


The Winter Series by Elin Hilderbrand (covers not pictured)

This might be one of my favorite series of all time. I reread it every year, and it fills me with such joy. It’s about a blended family that owns an inn on Nantucket. It’s full of holiday cheer and lots of holiday drama. Plus, it’s a four-book series! 

Faking Under The Mistletoe by Ashley Shepherd

One of my FAVORITE books from last year! It’s a steamy enemy to lovers office romance set in NYC at Christmas. It’s hilarious and romantic and just so good! 

Last Christmas in Paris by Hazel Gaynor

This is a historical fiction novel set during World War I. It’s a beautiful story of celebrating amidst hardship. It’s beautiful and sad and perfectly festive. Perfect when paired with a warm beverage under the glow of Christmas tree lights! 

10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston

A fun YA story about a girl who gets her heartbroken right before Christmas, so her (very) large family sets her up on ten blind dates to cheer her up, when the one who she’s meant to be with has never been far away. 

All About Us by Tom Ellen

All About Us by Tom Ellen--I’m excited to read this one this year! It’s about heartbreak, hope, and how the decisions we make shape our lives. It follows a man who is sent back to December 2005, when he met the woman who would change the course of his life forever. When given the chance, will he return to the life he knows or choose the path that escaped him? 

In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren

In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren--I love Christina Lauren’s books! This is their latest, and it’s a holiday version of Groundhog Day. It’s a delight! 

I hope you enjoy it! Reviews for most can be found over on my blog and if you’re feeling festive, join me for #TisTheReadson beginning December 1st on Instagram. I’ll be raising a peppermint mocha to you this holiday season! 

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