
Friday, October 2, 2020

Halloween Movies to Watch this October

 Now that October is here, it’s time for pumpkins, candy, and a healthy mix of scary and family-friendly movies to put you in the Halloween spirit. Y’all know that I love a theme and whether that’s dressing up on the 31st or watching a movie that fits the season, it comes as no surprise that I’ll gladly do either. While Halloween movies don’t hold a flame to all the options to watch at Christmas, there is still a large variety of options worth watching. I can’t let October end without at least one viewing of Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown, but maybe this year I’ll branch out more into other classics. While I don’t typically gravitate toward overly scary movies, I’m going to try to cross at least a couple of the thrillers on this list off. In case you’re also looking for ideas of Halloween movies to watch this October, I’ve shared some worth watching below!

I'd love to hear if y'all have any favorites or if I missed any that should be added to this list! 

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for the Halloween movies collection and suggestion here but as I am late and the halloween has already passed, so I would like to watch some new Comedy Series on Netflix in 2023, if you can suggest any then please do now!
