
Monday, August 3, 2020

Step Into My Week 8.3

After a few weeks of remembering to write out what I’ve been up to over the past week as it happened this week, I forgot. Now thinking back about what I did is kind of a blur. August as a whole will be pretty full work-wise since we are approaching magazine issue deadlines for shoots that we probably would have already accomplished had it not been for our month-long stint of working solely from home. Everyone’s calendar is a bit more full (and entirely written in pencil since every aspect of life seems subject to change this year), so I am hoping to take better advantage of enjoying the days where I am working from home since they will be less frequent. The beginning of this week felt slow, but after Wednesday, it seemed to pass by more quickly. 

I’ve gotten in the habit of starting my Mondays with a workout and am hoping that even when we are back in the office full-time that I can continue to prioritize that since it feels really productive. I had a few video meetings for my shoots for the week after that and eventually made my way to the office to get things in order and have a few more meetings. I was supposed to have a shoot on Tuesday that got canceled, which honestly was pretty nice since I had more time to get organized and get everything done that I needed to. I left the office and came home to shower and get ready to meet some friends to celebrate our friend Madeleine’s birthday. We ate outside at a restaurant in Pepper’s Place called Bettola and finished the night with ice cream at Jeni’s. 

On Tuesday morning, I went to an early workout class at True40 before going into the office. I was able to order in products for a shoot I have this week and get organized. I packaged up boxes to return, and my desk space is a lot less stressful for the time being. I had a couple of meetings this day and pulled props for my shoot the following day before it was time to head home. I made baked oatmeal in the afternoon and worked on my computer for a while before a friend came over for us to make breakfast supper (brinner) for dinner. He’s not a big fan of brinner, and I was trying to convince him otherwise which didn’t entirely work, and I’m going to blame my Trader Joe’s hash browns turning grey while cooking for that. We watched a couple of episodes of The 100 before he left, and I went to bed.  

I had a photo shoot on Wednesday centered around an easy holiday meal, which meant there were lots of props on hand to make the studio look a bit more like a dining room. We needed to shoot all of the food together at first, which made it take a little bit longer to get started but ultimately made the rest of the shoot go by quickly. We wrapped by 1:00, and I was able to get a lot of work done at my desk afterward. I eventually came home, showered, ate dinner, and then headed to bible study that night.  

Thursday was another shoot, and fortunately, I was able to pull most of my props for that the day before. This shoot lasted until close to 3:00 but still gave me plenty of time to put things away afterward. I looked at a location we were shooting at in the afternoon before heading to dinner at a friend’s parent’s house. We left there around 8:30 and watched a couple of episodes of The 100 before calling it a night.

On Friday morning, I got up early and showered before starting my workday. I had a few tasks that needed to get done, and once they were accomplished, I packed my bags to head to Fairhope for the weekend for my friend Macy’s bachelorette weekend. My brother and his wife were in town, so I stopped by my parent’s house for a few hours to hang out with my family before eventually heading to Macy’s parent’s house. We made drinks as everyone arrived, and I helped her sisters make dinner that night for everyone. After eating, we went out on the pier to watch the sunset before coming inside for champagne and gifts. We all stayed up talking until around midnight when we went to bed. 

We got up on Saturday morning to drink coffee on the porch and mentally prepare for the group HIIT workout that was on our schedule. A high school classmate who now owns his own workout business hosted it for us in the front yard, and we were all sweaty afterward. The class ended with mimosas from Fairhope Juice Company on the bay. Once we all felt semi recovered, we went inside to get changed and ready to spend our afternoon by the bay. We had lunch on the pier and swam and hung out for the better part of the afternoon before eventually coming inside to get ready for dinner. We walked a few doors down to The Wash House, where we had the back room to ourselves and had a delicious dinner. After that, it was back to the house for a sampling of Macy’s wedding cake and a few games. I think everyone was in bed by 12:00 this night too, after feeling tired from being in the sun.


shop my swimsuit top and wrap

On Sunday morning, we woke up a little later and had coffee and breakfast on the porch before going for a walk by the bay. Once we were back, we packed up to leave. I grabbed lunch from Warehouse Bakery before getting on the road only to realize that they forgot to pack a fork for my salad, which resulted in me borrowing one from my parents and eating lunch on our front porch with my mom. I finally got on the road a little after noon and made good time on my drive back. Once I was back in Birmingham, I unpacked, showered, and made myself dinner before getting in bed around 7:00. Given how relaxed the weekend was, I’m not sure why I was so tired, but I took full advantage of going to bed early before getting this week started. 

I hope that y’all had a great week and weekend! 

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