
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

March 2020 Favorites

February and March are never months I particularly look forward to, but I didn’t quite expect March to be quite as uneventful as it was. I know we all feel that way, so there’s no point dwelling on that, but with more time at home, it feels even harder to come up with things I truly loved this month. I wasn’t getting dressed to go to work, I can probably count on one hand the number of times in the past couple of weeks I’ve worn makeup, and everything about this situation is odd. Despite that, and regardless of how boring they may seem, I did discover a few favorite products from the past month. Most of them were things I already had at home and have found a more frequent use for given the current situation. I am already curious as to what I’ll come up with for April since I don’t feel like I’ve used anything new or bought anything worth sharing just yet. 

Since gyms and workout studios are closed, I’ve been going on lots of long walks to fill that void while also getting some fresh air. Since I’m not always getting ready for the day and feel like my skin has been breaking out more than normal, not only is a hat protecting my face from the sun on these walks, but it’s also hiding the fact that I’m not putting much effort into my appearance. My roommate gave me this hat two Christmases ago, and it has become my most worn hat. If you don’t live in Birmingham, the company has plenty of other airport codes, and most of the hats come in a variety of colors.  

Since we just talked about how walks are filling part of my void for workout studios being closed, my favorite Birmingham studio, true40, has been releasing new at-home workouts on their website each weekday. This is so generous of them given that they have put all member’s payments on pause, which therefore makes these workouts free. If you decide to try one out, consider donating to their Venmo, which is listed on the same page as the at-home workouts. 

I waited well over six months to finally get this book on the Libby app, and it didn’t disappoint. While I could’ve read it instead of listened to it a lot sooner, there’s something I love about an author narrating their own book. It was really interesting to gain perspective in the behind the scenes of what it’s like to be married to the president and although I wouldn’t consider myself to be very political, the politics of the way things are done for the first family. 

I rarely get my nails done. In the span of a year, this may happen a total of 3 times, so I do not feel like businesses closing has any effect on whether or not my nails are painted. Instead, I am an avid at-home nail painter and am very loyal to Essie as my nail polish of choice. Their gel collection is especially good, and as a change-up from the pink I typically gravitate towards, I really love this light blue polish in the color “perfect posture.”

We’re all washing our hands more than ever, and a nice smelling soap has started to feel like a little luxury. Mine was a gift so I can’t say it’s something I’d necessarily buy myself all the time, but I really have enjoyed it. This is the smaller size bottle which is plastic and there’s a larger glass version as well that would make a pretty and thoughtful gift. The one I have is in the scent “bois d’olivier” and smells fantastic. I also have a matching hand lotion that is great for adding some moisture back to the skin after so much washing. 

Working from home seems to have increased everyone’s screen time, and while that isn’t surprising, it doesn’t negate the fact that it isn’t great on your eyes. I’ve had the same blue light glasses for years, and while I do consistently use them, I have never been quite so consistent. My right eye tends to feel strained pretty quickly, and I have found that by putting on blue light glasses when I start working instead of when it starts to bother me makes a big difference.

Since I’ve been in the spring cleaning mode and feel like I have nothing but time, I’ve been rediscovering products that, at some point, made their way to the back of my bathroom cabinets. One of these items was this Beautycounter body butter, which I’ve been using after I shower. I’m not usually one to remember to put lotion on my body, so maybe this is a baby step to becoming an adult that takes better care of themselves. I like that it is a thick consistency without feeling greasy, plus my skin has never been softer! 

I really would love to hear any product recommendations you have or may have discovered over the past month to add to my routine or test out. I hope that your week is off to a great start!

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