
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Step Into My Week

Happy Tuesday. Since I had yesterday off of work, I treated it as a vacation both from my 9-5 (but really 7:30-5:30) and the blog. So today I’ll be updating you on what I’ve been up to over the past week since I usually do that on Monday. A little secret for y’all, I have to flip through my planner in order to write these posts every week because most of the time I can’t remember what all I’ve been up to! 

Work this week was relatively calm since we are finishing up assignments for our May/June issue and haven’t yet been given our pieces for July/August and the special issue that will be released between those two issues. We did have a staff meeting on Monday where our team celebrated my birthday (so sweet). The rest of the day was spent finishing up writing a piece for May/June and working on scheduling social posts. On Mondays, you can also typically find me responding to emails and social comments that I may have missed over the weekend as well. After work, I went to the Y and worked out before heading home to shower and get in bed early.

Tuesday was similar with me trying to get ahead on social posts and web pieces. I submitted the draft of an article and don’t know how else I spent my time that day. I went to the Y after work and ran and did some arm work. I’ve realized that I tend to stay longer at the Y on Tuesday and Wednesday since my roommate leads bible studies those nights and I know I’ll be going home to a quiet house. Wednesday was pretty similar to the previous two days although I had some other tasks to work on before calling it a day. I ran into my friend Macy at the Y, and we caught up while running next to one another. It is funny how something as little as running into a friend at the gym can be a fun change in your everyday routine. After that, I went home and showered, had dinner, and then got in bed. 

On Thursday, I sent out complimentary copies to those people that helped us to complete our March/April issue and finalized the shipping of products for a shoot we have next week. We also got our March/April issue back from the printer which was exciting since that is the first issue where I have a story long enough for a byline. I continued to get ahead on social posts that afternoon and went to the Y yet again after work. I had just finished changing when I got a text from my roommate that she accidentally locked herself out which was a nice excuse to head home earlier than usual. I let her in and decided to skip my workout and instead enjoy dinner while watching tv. 

On Friday morning I got up at 4:30 to go to a workout class at True40. Usually, I don’t feel like I have time to work out before work but since I don’t go in until eight on Friday’s I made it work. After the workout, I came home and showered and quickly got ready to head to the office. After finishing at noon, I came home to eat lunch and pack to head out of town for the long weekend. Had my roommate and all of our friends not decided to go out of town for the weekend I probably would have stayed put but heading home for the weekend became an easy choice when Nell and I figured out we could ride home together. She had class until around 2:30, so I picked her up from her car, and we were on our way. The drive seemed super short (probably because we didn’t stop talking the whole time) and we made good time. Once I got home, I had dinner with my parents before putting on pajamas to watch Secretariat with them. Unsurprisingly, I fell asleep. 

On Saturday I slept in a little bit before getting ready and going to a fabric store with my mom. She was showing me how she had organized all the Christmas ornaments in the attic when I spotted my headboard from Junior and Senior year of college. Since it wasn’t getting used, we decided to recover it to make the guest bedroom in our house in Birmingham look slightly more complete (I say slightly because there is only so much you can do with an air mattress). I forgot to get a picture of the completed project and room but will try to make a point of doing that to share with y’all soon. After finding fabric, we met my dad for lunch at Cactus Cantina in downtown Fairhope. We ran some errands afterward and then came home. I took a nap that afternoon (a common occurrence when I am at home). We laid low in the afternoon and ate dinner before watching Crazy Rich Asians. 

On Sunday I got up hoping to go for a long run by the bay. It was much too cold, so instead, I made a cup of coffee and stayed in my pajamas and cooked with my mom. My dad and I ran a few errands after that, and my mom and I finally completed the headboard before we all ate lunch at home. I took another long nap that afternoon and caught up on the phone with my brother. We didn’t really do much of anything Sunday night. 

On Monday I woke up and loaded my car before eating breakfast with my family and saying my goodbyes to Scout. Nell and I met up at 9:30 to head back to Birmingham. We stopped at Chick-fil-A for lunch and went grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s on our way in. I dropped her off at her car and immediately started a crockpot meal when I got home. Once I had unloaded my car, I changed and went on a very cold 8-mile run. By the end of it, my fingers and nose were frozen, and I was so ready for a hot shower. I put on the least flattering outfit ever (baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt) after that and unpacked my bag and then made some muffins to go with the soup I had started. Once both were ready, I made a plate and hunkered down on the couch to watch the Bachelor before getting in bed around 9:30.

I don’t have anything too exciting planned this week but will be sure to update y’all next Monday! I hope that y’all had a great week and weekend as well! 

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