
Monday, October 23, 2017

Step Into My Week

I feel like it has been so long since I've really had the opportunity to sit down and blog. This is the first Sunday in a while where I've had a bit of time to sit down and blog. October has been a crazy month in a good way but I feel like Prep In Your Step has unfortunately had to take the back burner because of that. I'm really hoping that now that parent-teacher conferences have come to an end and I'm almost a quarter into the school year time will begin to become something that is slightly more available. 

This short week for school was definitely needed an appreciated. The cooler temperatures that came on Monday were a nice change although I am still waiting for the temperature to not reach 80 in the afternoons. Maybe this will be the week when that stops. I came home on Monday afternoon and went rollerblading with my friend Porter before going on a walk to catch up on the phone with Nell. It was nice to have a relaxing start to the week and even nicer that Tuesday we had a field trip in the morning. I am still baffled on occasion that I am responsible for 25 fourth graders and I was certainly glad everyone came back in one piece from our field trip. The school week for the students ended on Wednesday due to Fall Break but I still had conferences and had to go to work on Thursday. One of the other members of the fourth grade team and I decided that we weren't allowed to drink out of travel coffee mugs during the day and we were both thrilled that we got to enjoy our coffee while it was still hot as we planned out our next science unit. It's the little things. I had a to-do list a mile long to get through and I wish I could say I got through more of it than I did. We went to lunch as a team and I came back to the printer refusing to work which left me a little stressed as I finished up my day. Fortunately I left straight from school to go to Furman to get Nell since I was off on Friday which perfectly coincided with Furman's homecoming. 

top // pants // flats // watch face // watch band // bracelets ( 1 & 2 )

dress (old) // jacket // boots // watch face // watch band // bracelets ( 1 & 2 )

sweater // pants // booties // watch face // watch band // bracelets ( 1 & 2 )

top // pants // shoes // watch face // watch band // bracelets ( 1 & 2 )

Nell and I have been super great about staying in touch this year and I think from August to now was the longest we hadn't seen each other since knowing one another (perks of having our hometown 30ish minutes away). I got her from Furman where we walked around a bit checking out the floats that the sororities and fraternities were working on before heading to my apartment. After being lazy and catching up for a while we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Cantina 76, for dinner before coming back to watch Hocus Pocus and falling asleep. Friday I was determined to sleep in and we both didn't wake up until my alarm at 9:45 which may be the latest I've slept in a very long time. After getting ready we went to brunch at Caviar and Bananas before shopping around downtown Greenville and going to Furman to find our bricks. I was really glad Nell remembered that the bricks we purchased had been laid because otherwise it may not have crossed my mind. Although ours weren't next to one another it was fun to find it. A little fun fact for you, I have a brick at three of my favorite places (my high school, camp, and now Furman) so maybe an engraved stone is a way I show my sentiments. We stopped at Happy and Hale for lunch on our way back before hanging out at my apartment before getting ready for our nights. 

I went to dinner with a bunch of girls in my pledge class Friday night and it felt like no one had left as we were all catching up on each other's lives. We spent the rest of the evening downtown running into other Furman friends before calling it a night. I had to be up and ready the next morning around 8:30 to go to a friend's moms house to celebrate her birthday. After that we went to a brunch with our pledge class before heading back to Furman to tailgate before the football game. In all honesty it was a little weird to be back as an alum (although technically I am still a graduate student). So many people make an effort to come back their first year after graduating so there was no lack of familiar faces. After a few hours there everyone went their own ways to recover before dinner and another night downtown Saturday night. 

Tailgate Outfit: sweater // skirt // necklace // sunglasses // hoops // bag // booties 

Yesterday was spent recovering from the weekend while getting through some school work and preparations for the week. Ellison and I watched three Halloween movies in that process so the day wasn't all boring! Hopefully these next few weeks before Thanksgiving aren't too exhausting and are full of some fun since while it was great to have everyone in town for homecoming I'm about ready for my own chance to go home to Fairhope for a bit! 

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