
Monday, September 11, 2017

Step Into My Week

Happy Monday. You may have noticed this post went up a little bit later than usual but after getting an email yesterday about being off from school today my productivity yesterday fell to the wayside. Originally, South Carolina was supposed to get hit pretty hard by Irma but now it's looking like the wind will be our biggest threat but regardless it has allowed me to have a slow morning and skip the 5:15 alarm. Growing up on the coast I'm semi used to hurricanes but you;don't have thought about getting hurricane days so far inland in South Carolina. I hope that all of my readers in Irma's path are safe and sound and are dealing with minimal destruction. 

This past week flew by due to Labor Day last Monday but I am completely ok with a quick week. I think I'm slowly starting to get my groove when it comes to teaching and planning ahead but I suppose only time will tell. There isn't much exciting to report on from the past week (I feel like these posts get more boring each week haha) but there was some fun mixed in with the business of school and meetings. Last Monday night my friends and I decided to walk to a local pizza place that is about a mile and a half from our apartment while enjoying the unexpectedly cool weather we've been having. Nothing beats having leftovers for lunches even if that meant having to carry a pizza box the whole walk back (although the picture below is deceiving and not entirely accurate). I didn't have time to do much other than work during the week but on Friday night Sophia and I decided to walk around downtown Greenville to catch up (with ice cream in hand). I spent most of Saturday working out on our porch because this weather is incredible and managed to watch some football and nap before going out with friends that night. Yesterday was spent doing a little bit more work (it never ends) and then celebrating having a day off from school today with a long walk in the afternoon and watching movies with friends last night. 

This week my goal is to get back into a solid workout routine in addition to staying on top of all the other stuff I have to do. I am definitely learning that balancing everything is tricky so we shall see how that goes! Here is what I wore this week.

dress (similar) // sandals // hoops // watch

top (similar) // jacket (on sale) // pants // flats // hoops 

top // pants (on sale) // necklace // sandals // watch

See you back here tomorrow! 

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