
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Beauty Gifts To Give

Another night, another gift guide for y'all and adequate procrastination for me. I took my first exam today and have two education standardized tests tomorrow to get those out of the way and have two Furman exams left for Monday and then I am done. I hope that these guides have been useful for y'all so far as the days before Christmas quickly start to diminish. Fun fact...I haven't ordered a Christmas present for anyone just yet. I'll change that this weekend but it kind of terrifies me. If you feel the same way about not being as well prepared be sure to keep looking through the gifts tab on the side of the blog to search based on recipient! 

Tonight's gift guide is geared towards anyone who enjoys all things beauty related. The holidays really are the best time to stock up on beauty items as so many things are grouped into sets that are heavily discounted. Here are my favorites of what I found:

I'd love to know which item is your favorite!