
Monday, February 22, 2016

Step Into My Week

Want to know my goal for the week? Get more than two blog posts up this week! I can not tell y'all how frustrating it has been lately to have so many ideas for blog posts to do with no time to execute them. With it being midterms week I am not sure why I suddenly feel like this is when that will change but I am making an attempt because I miss having posts go up daily! With spring break on the horizon (two school weeks left) hopefully the minimal posting will be a thing of the past! 

This past week was very academically heavy with a plethora of assignments to be turned in including lesson plans (which take me HOURS to complete). But as per usual I survived and made it to the weekend regardless of all of the work that had to be turned in. 

This weekend was a fun one since I went to friends function and even had a friend in town visiting! On Friday night I went to Nell's (my freshman roommate) Tri Delta function. Each sorority has a more casual function and this one was theirs. The theme was "dynamic duos" so as much as we wanted to go as ourselves we figured that sounded a little full of it so we settled on Mike Wazowski and Boo from Monsters Inc. I had the Mike costume from high school so it was pretty easy to put together and it didn't take people long to guess our costumes. Word to the wise: If you want to look your age don't wear pig tails because I looked a solid 6 years old the whole night! 

Once we got back my friend Bowen arrived at Furman! She goes to W&L and was headed home for their February break (so jealous) and decided to make Greenville her pit stop. It's always so fun to show friends around Furman and Greenville so I did just that! Saturday morning we wanted to bike downtown for brunch but because it was sprinkling we resorted to driving instead. We went to Tupelo Honey which was delicious as usual and then we shopped around downtown for a little while. Once we arrived back on campus we decided to go for a bike ride even though it was still pretty cloudy and biked down the Swamp Rabbit Trail through Travelers Rest and stopped on our way back to get a smoothie. Our last adventurous part of the afternoon was hiking in Paris Mountain State Park. We found an awesome trail that lead to a man made dam which was so cool and I definitely want to take other friends to hike there when it warms up this semester! 



As adventurous as it was the weekend was also super restful since I tried to for the most part avoid homework until Sunday. With midterms this week school takes a precedence but we have our first function of the semester this Saturday which will hopefully be really fun and acts as a light at the end of the tunnel! 

I hope your Monday is off to a great start! 


  1. I completely understand the time lesson plans take girl!

  2. Don't worry...spring break is in the near future! This will be over before you know it.

    girl C
