
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

As January is quickly coming to an end I have started to notice all things pink and red hitting the shelves. Think copious amounts of candy and obnoxiously large stuffed animals and what do you have? Yep, you guessed it…Valentine's Day. Despite the fact that it is supposed to be a day all about love I feel like more often than not people aren't the biggest fan of this mushy gushy holiday.

I don't really have too much against it especially since I LOVE a theme. Another thing I love? Gift giving! For Christmas I spent countless hours trying to decide what to get friends and family to ensure that it was thoughtful and would be well received. As this semester picks up and Valentine's Day is less of a holiday (to me at least) you can usually find me looking for gifts based on their color. 

I will probably be hanging out with my friends on Valentine's Day and will more than likely be dressed in my pajamas. While I wish that I had the time and money to get them each something really fun that probably won't be the case. However, if you're looking to do that I came up with what I'd like to think is the perfect inspiration board of gifts that any girl would want to receive. I am no expert when it comes to picking out gifts for guys so if you're looking for something along those lines then I am sorry that I can't be of more assistance but I think all these options for girls can count as my apology! 

I tried to include a variety of price points as well so that no matter your budget you can snag something cute for your valentine!

If you're in a pinch or want to do something extra cute and thoughtful without spending too much extra time I can't recommend Packed Party's packages enough! They came out with the most perfect Valentine's Day themed package! Packed Party teamed up with Thimblepress (I talked all about them in this post last year) to create a one-of-a-kind "Studly Set" of three 24k gold dipped stud earrings! They are fastened to creative and punny saying Valentine's cards and would be perfect for one person or to split up among friends! Each package comes with a set of three stud earrings inside and is $37 plus shipping and handling. And I am lucky enough to have a discount code for y'all in case you are interested in purchasing these or any other Packed Party merchandise! Just use partygirlprepinyourstep at checkout! 

And if you're looking to send yourself a party in a package courtesy of Packed Party then might I suggest the You Pampered Thing, You or for those of you on a boy hiatus the You Don't Need Him Anyway package! 

Which of these items would you be most eager to receive?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tips for Staying Focused in Class

I'll be the first to admit that going to class doesn't always make the cut for being the most fun thing on my to-do list but it is very necessary nonetheless. At some big schools I feel like class attendance isn't a big deal and doesn't really effect your grade since there is no way that professors in large lecture halls will be able to distinguish who is in attendance and who isn't. At Furman however, and other smaller schools as well this is not the case. I only miss classes when I am sick or have a conference or excused event but never really just to skip (although there are definitely times where I've considered it, hello 8:30s). On those days especially it can be so hard to remain focused as your mind is wandering and you have so many other things that you would rather be doing. But you're wasting your time by going to class and not focusing so I've come up with some tips for how to better stay focused in class when you feel like you're especially struggling! 

*background art found here

Eat Well, Sleep Well, and Exercise
So technically this isn't exactly what you can do to help you focus during your class time however a little preparation on the front end will make it a whole lot easier to stay engaged with the discussion. Nothing is worse than feeling like you are going to fall asleep in class or have your stomach rumble. I definitely think these basic things will help to make a world of difference when it comes to focusing in class.

Eliminate Distractions
I find it super disrespectful when people's phones are going off in class or they are blatantly texting as the teacher is attempting to inform the class on information. Maybe that is the future teacher in me but regardless unless it is an emergency I think we can all make it through a 50 minute class without looking at our phones no matter how tempting it may be sometimes. Turning your phone off or on airplane more is a great way to eliminate your phone as a distraction! Another major distraction in classes: laptops. I know some people much prefer taking notes on their computer as opposed to by hand but if you have your computer out try to avoid the temptation of online shopping, checking your emails, pinterest, and looking at your favorite blogs (I promise I'll still be here after you finish class ;) kidding) during a lecture. 

Come Prepared
It's hard to focus in class when you haven't come prepared! Bring your notebooks, folders, and any textbooks you may need so that you are already set up for success as class begins. If your teacher has you pull out your textbook you won't be stuck without it with your mind wandering and instead will be engaged in what is occurring in the class. 

Take Diligent Notes
The best way to stay busy in class is to take notes. Whenever class feels like it is going by slowly or I am having trouble focusing I take even more notes than normal. It also helps to pretend that one of your friends needs to borrow them in order to understand what the lecture discussed which tricks you into making them be more detailed and extra neat. 

Chew Gum
As long as you aren't a smacker this is a great way to be multitasking in class in a way that actually helps you to focus. I've read that gum helps you relieve stress and better recall information not to forget to mention that it just tastes good. 

Organize Your Day
If you do find yourself distracted at least try to be productive and respectful while being distracted. A great way to do that is to organize your day and utilize your planner. I swear by mine and owe it my grade sometimes since it contains anything and everything I could have going on. 

Bring a Water Bottle and/or Coffee
I try to always carry water with me and in the mornings you can pretty much bet that I also have coffee in hand. While I am not sure if these actually help me to focus I'd like to think so since hydration is important. I'll let you be the judge of how helpful water and coffee actually are but for now I'll continue to believe so. 

Sit In The Front
If you're taking a class that you know is going to be challenging for you and you would really like to do well then sitting in the front of the classroom where you can make eye contact with your teacher and be engaged is a great way to attempt to help your grade. I know that it can be intimidating or seem a bit dorky but when you're making good grades and comprehending the information then the focus is well worth the location of your seat in class. 

Apply Your Knowledge & Participate in Class Discussions
If you have questions ask them! Teachers appreciate students who participate in discussions and have insight to share based on the readings that you've done for homework so don't be afraid to speak up. This will also help you to be more interested in the topics being discussed and therefore more focused! 

What are some of your best tips for staying focused in class? I'd love to know them! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bid Day (Photo Overload)

Not this past Sunday but the Sunday before was bid day for the Panhellenic Community here at Furman! It was so exciting to finally celebrate after some extremely long days and nights of Recruitment. It definitely all payed off though because we got so many great new members that I am so thrilled to share my experience with in KD. As president I got to be in the bid day room and share in their initial enthusiasm right after they received their bids. I had chills during some parts as the girls ran into see who else was in their pledge class.I had to read some information to them and was honestly nervous because of how cool they all are! I also just realized that my bid day freshman year was exactly two years ago which is crazy to think about but makes today a perfect day to share all of this years photos! 

Our theme was Unmasking the New KD Krewe so everything was based around Mardi Gras. Being from where Mardi Gras began made this that much more fun and I will have to worn you that our outfits were a bit excessive and annoying but so much fun! 






And here is an awesome video that one of my friends made from our bid day celebration!

 And to think this is only some of the photos from the day!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How To Prepare For A Great Semester

If you're like me and a new semester of school has just begun you may be a bit apprehensive about getting everything in order to ensure your success. In college a new semester means new classes, new teachers, and more than likely a new schedule that you hope to get adjusted to relatively quickly. Now that I have more semesters behind me than I have left (which is absolutely crazy to think about) I like to think I've found some ways to start the semester out strong in order for it to be a successful and great one! 

Plan Ahead

If you don't have a planner then feel free to stop reading this post and go buy one immediately. I am totally reliant on mine and as weird as it sounds save them from year to year to look back through. You can get one from just about anywhere but starting the semester out super organized will definitely benefit you in the long run as it allows you to plan ahead and know what is to come as the semester progresses. It is also super satisfying to cross things off as you complete them. 

Buy & READ Your Books

I like to wait until after at least the first day of class to purchase my textbooks that way I can hear the teachers input on which are necessary and which may be optional. Once you've gotten your books they serve no purpose unless you actually read them. I know, I know it can be a pain and it is unlikely that you won't fall behind at some point but staying up to date with readings definitely helps you to perform better in class.

Take Detailed Notes in Class

I am a big fan of note taking. When in class I hand write my notes and try to make them as detailed as possible so that I don't miss anything too important. Taking notes by hand also makes your time in class go by more quickly and helps to better retain the information as well as eliminates the distraction of your computer.


Knowing how to prioritize your assignments and involvement is important. Realizing that studying for a big test is more important than going out with friends the night before is just a part of growing up. By prioritizing your studies and planning ahead hopefully you'll save yourself some stress and have plenty of time to do both during the semester.

Organize Notes & Files From The Previous Semester

In the same way that it is important to have an organized space you should treat your computer with that same care. Make folders for each of your classes and stick any documents pertaining to those courses in the folder to refer to if you need them later on. This will keep your documents neat and easier to access when looking back. 

Make An Assignment Timeline
This requires printing and reading your syllabus from each class. That should be a no brainer but by making an assignment timeline it really forces you to do this. An assignment timeline should be a chronologically dated document with any and all assignments that you are expected to turn in and do included. Highlight or cross these off as you go and this will ensure that you won't miss a deadline!

Clean Up Your Space & Throw Out "Junk"

I function so much better when my study and living space are clean. Go through any old papers or notebooks you have lying around and determine whether you need to keep them or if you can toss them out. Do some laundry, vacuum, and change your sheets so that you are starting the semester super fresh. 

Talk To Your Professors

Your professors are your greatest resource when it comes to doing well in a course so use them. Introduce yourself, express any concerns you may have, and even let them know super early on any days you may be absent. For the most part they are interested in forming a relationship with you and it will make going in to meet with them during the semester with questions a lot less intimidating. 

Stock Up On New Supplies

I am a school supply junky. I could spend hours in the notebook and pen section of Target and Staples weighing all of my different options of supplies to use for the semester. I like to get a notebook and folder for each class (preferably color coded) and make sure to grab some fresh highlighters as well!

Make A Friend In Each Class

Some of my friends find it funny that I do this but I always try to have or make at least one friend in a class. Even if they are someone you only hangout with while studying or all of your texts revolve around a certain subject it is definitely nice to have someone who can tell you what's going on if you miss a class or are confused by the homework. As I've gotten further into my major I know most of the people in my classes so this doesn't apply so much but especially in random classes to fulfill credits this can be helpful. 

Get Your Sleep Schedule on Track

This is one that is definitely hard after a long break where you're used to staying up late and then sleeping in. With an 8:30 this semester I am definitely having to prioritize an earlier bed time so that I have more energy the rest of the day. One of my goals for the new year was actually to get more sleep so let's hope this works!

I'd love to know of any tips y'all may have for preparing for a great semester so leave me a comment if you'd like! 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Step Into My Week

So, it's been a while… and boy has a lot been going on! For one, recruitment has been happening keeping myself and the other members of the recruitment team very preoccupied not to forget the fact that we just finished out first week of the new semester as well. Pretty sure it is safe to say things have been busy since my last Step Into My Week. I also realized that my last Step Into My Week happened back in 2015 so there are a lot of photos and stories to go along with them since then. 

I spent New Years Eve with some of my best friends and we decided to stay in and cook a delicious dinner and watch the Alabama game. We just barely made it to midnight and the next day woke up and prepared for our polar bear plunge. This has become a tradition and to our dismay it was especially cold. We also have a rule that we can't get out of the water until we have gone completely under and after that we all raced back to the house to claim a shower in order to warm up. We then had a traditional meal of ham, collard greens, and black eyed peas to ensure some good luck in the coming year!

Before leaving to come back to school for recruitment I was all about forcing some family fun! Walks and bike rides by the bay were the perfect way to really soak up the last few days I had at home! 


And as all good things must come to an end I finished up the break by packing stuff up into my car (including my birthday flowers which are only just now starting to die and my birthday was on the 26th of December) and spending my last night reading a new book

Once we got back to school it was full on recruitment mode. We had a an all day workshop on Thursday and then recruitment on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and then the following Saturday as well. There were lots of long nights and too many cups of coffee to count but it definitely all paid off and the excitement of bid day (post to come on that later in the week) and an awesome new pledge class made it so worth it. That last photo was on one especially late night when I made a quick cookout run for the recruitment team and pretty much epitomizes are health habits that week. 


Getting into the routine of a new semester always takes me a little bit of time especially with various meetings at night. Fortunately I am thinking that my schedule for this semester is one that I will like more than mine from last semester. I will be doing an updated agenda organization post for y'all since I am now using the Day Designer but here is a little glimpse of how mine looked coming back to school. For those of you curious I use these pens

And since I've been so on the go it's been especially nice to be able to grab things and head to the door. My new ID holder is perfectly practical and cute as is the tassel key chain I received for my birthday. When they aren't in my hand I keep them on this cute little zebra tray on my desk. 

I am going to start back with weekly Step Into My Week posts at the end of this week but didn't want y'all to feel like you had missed out on too much by neglecting to post one from the beginning of 2016!
Hope your week is off to a great start!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Goals for 2016

Happy New Year! With the new year typically comes loads of resolutions and the optimism to keep them for the entire year. Since resolution has slowly taken on a negative connotation I am instead going to make some goals for the upcoming year. Resolutions don't exactly turn into commitments is more than likely due to not having a plan to accomplish them which is one of the reasons I decided to make goals instead. It's great to set goals but without thinking of ways you can accomplish them then they are going to remain goals instead of accomplishments.

Here are some of my goals for the coming year separated into different categories!


continue to raise my gpa… This past semester was an awesome one for my GPA which is shocking since it was also my most academically rigorous. Funny how those things happen but I ended the semester with all As which definitely made my GPA do a bit of a happy dance. While I know that this semester will also be challenging I hope to have the same motivation and drive that will hopefully help this goal continue to be a reality. 

take advantage of my campus and the surrounding community…If you've never seen Furman you need to google it. You back yet? My campus is absolutely beautiful (my parents joke that I go to resort school) and I definitely want to appreciate that more. I love runs around the lake and walking to class but as my time here begins to dwindle I know that an appreciation now will hopefully make eventually saying goodbye easier. As for the surrounding community, Furman is in Greenville, SC and has so many neat areas surrounding it. Whether this means getting downtown more frequently, hiking new trails, running more of the Swamp Rabbit trail, trying all the ice cream shops around, or driving a different way to get somewhere exploring this area is well worth my time. Also, since I'll more than likely be in Greenville for a few years after graduation I may as well get to know my surroundings so it will eventually start to feel more like home. 

sleep more… Hear me out on this one. I debated putting this in my mental and personal health category but in reality my lack of sleep is due to school so I decided that it is going to be in this category and since these are my goal hopefully you'll agree that I have the liberty of doing that. Last semester my sleep was often sacrificed in order to get other things accomplished but this year sleep and knowing when to go to sleep needs to become more of a priority.

take a class just because… This semester I am doing this for the first time. I am hoping that next semester I can take a ceramics class that I am interested in as an elective just because. This is one of the benefits of going to a liberal arts school and having so many classes offered in a variety of topics so hopefully I'll be able to better take advantage of this. 

read more (and not just for class)… Reading for class is obviously important but reading for pleasure is important too. This past year I wasn't able to read through as many of the blogs I enjoy reading let alone read books for fun. This year I am hoping to spend a little bit of time most days catching up on the Skimm, reading blogs, and even maybe reading a chapter or two of a book. 


be the best KD president that I can be… The most important part of this phrase is the "that I can be." I need to remember that I was voted into this position and that my chapter has confidence that I'll do a good job. By fulfilling my duties to the best of my ability then I am working towards being the best president that I can be and that is all that is being asked of me. 

help our chapter to gain recognition for our endeavors… I couldn't be more proud of my KD chapter as a whole and the many different things we do. Both Furman and our national organization have so many awards that I feel like our chapter and chapter members are deserving of and I would love to work towards this recognition for our organization. 

be intentional… I know that there are times in this upcoming year that will be hard. I'l likely be pulled in different directions with decisions and I want to make sure that I am intentional with both my relationships and the decisions that I make. I'll have the opportunity to meet lots of people that I may not have gotten to know otherwise and I really want to take advantage of this as well. 


be better about responding to emails… Y'all… I've been AWFUL when it comes to responding to emails which is terrible since emails from y'all make my day. It is so cool to form these connections but sometimes with school and other commitments it can be so overwhelming and take the back burner. This year I am going to try to become better with managing these in order to make sure that it seems to be more of something fun than a chore. I have so many that need to be responded to currently and as I slowly work through those hopefully I'll gain momentum and respond in a much more timely fashion. 

continue to grow… I am always so amazed when new people find my site and begin to follow along with my little corner of the internet. Something that started as a way for me to do something for myself four years ago has grown so much and provided me with so much fun and many neat opportunities along the way. I hope to continue to provide unique content and a fun perspective and hopefully will grow some in the year to come by doing that. 

redesign… This is something that has been on my mind since summer and since I'm a perfectionist will probably stay in the brainstorming stage a little bit longer. Hopefully sometime in the next year Prep In Your Step will get a fun refresh that makes navigation easier and provides a bit of fresh perspective. 

mental & personal health
I don't want to say I'm necessarily *focusing* on one area more than others but if I were I think this is the one that I would have to choose. Probably because it is the one that is going to take there most conscious effort in order to achieve these goals and also because I included more subgoals in this category. I included more because these are all smaller things that can make a big difference in my attitude and overall mental health which I've heard is pretty important!

stress less & find balance… This year I need to balance out responsibility and fun a whole lot better. I can find myself getting wrapped up in the details and the idea that I should be doing more but in reality I need to work on dividing up my time better between school, obligations, and fun. I'll let you know if I ever figure out some sort of formula for that but my Step Into My Week posts are a good way to track that progress.

take me time… This kind of goes along with my last goal. Taking time to relax in my pajamas, catch up with a friend, or watch an episode of mindless TV is necessary and I need to remember that time alone and time for myself is important. 

moisturize… My skin is weird. When I am stressed out I get a weird stress rash and my face is dry and my lips are chapped. Maybe that is because it's January but I think moisturizing is a nice and easy achievable goal that will help me to feel more refreshed. 

choose the positive… Whether this be relationships or an attitude I could always work on my own positivity and surrounding myself with people who help to bring that out. In a stressful school environment sometimes this can be hard but the more I practice it the more positive things will seem, right? 

don't always worry about pleasing others… I've always been a people pleaser. Because of that I spend a lot of time focused on what other people may want and need to be better at focusing on what  I want. It may sound selfish but it's definitely a necessary part of mental health. 

run farther… I really do like running however this past year I found myself running for the same amount of time and distance for the most part. I would love to up my mileage some so that I can venture on new trails and de-stress a bit longer. 

have lots of fun… Be spontaneous, go out more, forget the books for a while, whatever it takes hopefully more fun is in my future. I hope that this year I can take advantage of different opportunities to do this!

drink more water… Another health related one thrown in. I'm going to attempt to do this by drinking a few sips or a glass before bed and right when I wake up! 

So there you have it a long list of what I want to do and why in the coming year!
I'd love for y'all to share any goals you may have with me!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sorority Recruitment Advice

My winter break is officially coming to an end today as I head back to school. While class doesn't begin until the 11th I have to be back early for sorority recruitment since my school (Furman) participates in delayed recruitment. This will be my second recruitment "on the other side" meaning that I'll be doing the recruiting. Having been through recruitment and knowing lots of girls who will also be participating in delayed recruitment I thought it would be helpful to share some of the dos and don'ts of the process. 

You've probably already heard a lot about the process from girls at your school and since every school does things so differently I am not going to get into details about that but there are definitely some universal tips that will hopefully help to ease your mind during the process! Remember to think of this as something fun and you'll automatically go into rounds with a more positive attitude and likely come out of it with more enjoyment than if you go in too nervous of the outcome! Stay calm and think of all the new girls you'll meet.

Best of luck!

Monday, January 4, 2016

It's Here! Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale Finds + GIVEAWAY!

It's happening! The After Party Sale is happening now on Lilly Pulitzer's Website! I look forward to this sale every year and have shopped it since high school. A consistent great start to a new year. I highly recommend y'all head over to the site (fingers crossed that it doesn't crash this year) and hop in the virtual line, it moves faster than you would think, for deals and steals from our favorite designer! 

If you've made it this far without opening another tab to shop I am seriously impressed, I know how caught up we can all get in a sale! I shared lots of pre-shopping tips with y'all in my last post and hope that they proved to be useful as you prepared for Lilly shopping endeavors. However, if you are here because you may be waiting in the virtual line and want to be entertained while you wait I have a couple more tips as well as an awesome giveaway I'm encouraging you to enter! 

Day Of Shopping Tips:

First, if the website does crash (which is quite possible) there is no need to send strongly worded tweets to the Lilly Pulitzer team on Twitter and Facebook, they want us to be able to shop and it is already nice enough that they give us the opportunity to shop Lilly for discounted prices!

Items in your cart are not reserved so try to shop fast and checkout if you have a piece in your cart that you can't live without! 

If the sale isn't working for you online try shopping through the Lilly Pulitzer app. Occasionally it will be faster than the computer however I definitely prefer perusing through the site. 

If you end up snagging anything let me know! I am nosy and curious and would love to share the thrill of the sale with you!

Now for the giveaway reminder. Head over to this blog post to enter for a chance to win these festive and fun printed leggings & a s'well water bottle!

Now here are some of my favorites from the sale!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Lilly Sale Announcement, Sale Tips, and Giveaway!

Get your alarms set and your credit cards ready! January 4th at 8AM EST the Lilly Pulitzer After Party sale begins. If you're new to these Lilly Pulitzer sales then you may be curious as to what all of the hype is about (Something to note is that this year Lilly is making the sale last only one day). Well, online Lilly Pulitzer doesn't typically put things on sale aside from their 2 big sales of the year when the deals are unreal and the internet is prone to crashing! Lilly Pulitzer prepares by removing loads of items from previous collections and re-listing them the morning of the sale at incredibly discounted prices.

You may notice that it is a rarity for Lilly Pulitzer pieces to go on sale through their site and that is because they reserve their sale inventory for two sales each year, this one and one at the beginning of the year! Since there are so few sales these are insanely popular and the more you know in advance, the better! 

For the sale to go more seamlessly here are my best tips for shopping the sale, let's hope the sale loads well and that you are able to get all of the pieces you have your eyes on! 

Create an Account & Log In Before the Sale Starts
Creating an account will make your shopping experience so much easier! By already having your addresses and cards in the system you are more likely to get the pieces you really want with less stress. You can go ahead and create your account now and be sure to log in before the sale begins so that you don't have to worry about that  since time is of the essence once the sale begins!

Check Out Often
Something you definitely need to keep in mind while shopping is that items in your cart are not reserved. If you desperately won't one of the pieces in your cart then go ahead and check out since shipping is free. Items can disappear from your cart as quickly as they are adding which can be frustrating so hopefully you'll have luck with the checkout process. Traditionally with the sale checking out is the slowest part of the process.

Open Lots of Tabs on your Browser but ONLY After The Morning Chaos Has Stopped
Lilly puts everyone in a virtual line as the sale begins and if you refresh tabs/ open multiple in the morning then your line number will be replaced with the highest number. However, after the line dies down my browser looks a bit like this so that I can compare different items.

Shop From Multiple Devices
Similar to having multiple tabs open shopping from multiple devices (computer, iPad / tablet, phone) semi-gurantees that you'll be able to look at different pages all at once hopefully letting you get more of the items you love!

Continue to Shop During the Entirety of the Sale
With so many great products on sale it is hard to really notice everything and some products are bound to be overlooked. Some of the best deals can be found on the last day of the sale so keep checking in.

Have Favorites in Mind & Know your Size
Elsa's, dresses, and Murfee scarves are always my favorite Lilly pieces so those will be the first things I check out. By knowing what size you are in items and having set pieces in mind then you are more likely to obey my next tip…

Use a Bit of Self Control
It can be super tempting to snatch up everything with deals like this but remember to have some self control. Only buy pieces you know you'll wear in your size in prints you like. Otherwise they will sit in your closet unused and Lilly is too much of the life of the party to do that.

Be Polite
 I can't think of anything more discouraging for the Lilly team to see than negative Facebook posts and tweets about the sale. It is a privilege that they host this and while it can sometimes be frustrating for the site to crash there is no excuse for being rude! I always make a point to thank the team through social media for their hardwork to make up for the rude comments they receive!

Plus remember that shipping is free and all purchases are final sale!

To prepare for the excitement I am bringing y'all a fun giveaway that is perfect as we all prepare to go back to school! Entering is incredibly easy and these Lilly items would be just the encouragement you need to stay fit and hydrated with all of your athletic endeavors this year then be sure to enter!

What's included in the giveaway… 
weekender workout leggings // s'well water bottle

How to enter the giveaway…
(ends January 5th)

1. Go to Lilly Pulitzer's site and choose your current favorite print (prints page here).
2. Follow me on instagram @prepinyourstep.
3. Leave a comment on THIS BLOG POST letting me know your favorite Lilly print, instagram name, and email address so that I can directly contact the winner! 

I'll be emailing the winner directly the day after the giveaway ends to get their shipping address and size so it is crucial to leave an email address you check often in your entry comment! I wish you all could win but good luck and happy entering! 

Check out Lilly Pulitzer's sale tips here!
Be sure to check back Monday morning and see my favorites from the sale!
Just remember this sale only runs the 4th so go ahead and shop.
Shop away, see you at the sale!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Reflection On 2015 Goals

Happy New Year to you! Glad that you decided to spend part of your first day of 2016 checking my blog. It's crazy how fast years feel like they are going by and what is especially alarming is that one of my friends mentioned that we graduate next year right as 2016 began. Scary but I am definitely thankful for another year before entering "the real world." As for this year I always think it is good to start off with some goals for the year to come. Not exactly resolutions since those often don't have any plans behind them but instead some attainable goals to keep in mind throughout the year to achieve. 

I like that last year I came up with goals in various sections of my life because that made it seem easier to achieve and focus on them. There are some that I was able to focus on more than others and there are some that made the list again this year because I think it is important to continue focusing on them. Here are mine from last year…

// school //

stress less… can't say this one ranks all that high on the list of achievements this year but I did learn to take on a more balanced mentality. When I was feeling stressed I would often remind myself that all of my assignments always get done which was a great way to put things in perspective.

stay involved …major check mark next to this one! At the beginning of the semester I was VP-Public Relations for my sorority and started the semester by publicizing our philanthropy event. This was a huge involvement and helped me to realize my interest in becoming my sororities president which occurred at the end of this semester. 

// blogging //

continue to grow… another check mark in this category. I am always so flattered when people check out my blog and choose to come back and continue to check it. It's also crazy to think I have been doing this for four years.

make opportunities for myself… blogging has provided me with some amazing opportunities. This year I had the opportunity to work with Pottery Barn Dorm, Luna Bar, and Visa just to name a few which was so cool. I would love to continue to work with awesome brands like this and continue to form my own relationships with brands and companies that I love and want to share with y'all.

expand social platforms… I like to think of myself as social and love that social media is a way for me to easel update y'all on various things happening. Last year I made a Facebook page for the blog (i'd love it if y'all wanted to check it out and like it here) and I want to be more dedicated to it and this year I made a snap chat (@prepstepsnaps). Those are ones I want to focus on in the year to come but have seen awesome growth on my instagram and pinterest which is really neat. 

connect… by expanding social platforms I've done this to an extent but I want to get back on top of my email inbox!

// adventure //

travel… I traveled out of the country for this first time this year so I'll give this one a major check mark. Paris and London were so fun and it definitely made me realize how much I enjoy exploring new places. 

be spontaneous… another one that can always be worked on!

// health //

enjoy working out… I really do like working out and making it a priority has been a great ting for stress levels and personal health. 

snack less…not so sure how much of a possibility this is but at school I've learned to snack on healthier food which is a success.

// lifestyle //

focus on the positive… always could use a bit more focus but overall I think I did decently.

save more… definitely did this but also spent money on experiences in Paris and London making it seem more well used. It also helps that I had a job this summer!

stay intentional… definitely good at this one even though some times it isn't felt in return.

know when to take a break… this is definitely something I need to work on. Especially taking on new positions that can be stressful at times. Taking a break is something that I did this summer and I am beyond thankful that I did since I didn't really feel like I had an opportunity to take a break this semester. 

Stay tuned for a post next week all about my goals for 2016!