
Friday, October 30, 2015

Step Into My Week

I hate that another week has gone by with nearly no posts from me. October was just not my month for blogging but I've already been brainstorming lots of stuff for November so be on the lookout for lots of new content from me! If y'all have any specific requests for blog posts or videos let me know so that I can go ahead and start planning those! 

Friday afternoon I got to meet up with Madeline, you've seen the backpacks she made here! She and her mom were visiting Furman and it was so fun to chat with her about my favorite parts about Furman and here her perspective and learn more about the backpack company she and her mom started! 

As for my past week it was an incredibly busy but fun one with homecoming this past weekend. Friday was the homecoming carnival and pomping on the mall (how we build our homecoming floats). It's always such a blast with so much activity on campus. Each sorority is parked with a fraternity and this years homecoming theme was board games. Our sorority was paired with Sigma Nu and had Mouse Trap as our theme so we built a section of the game complete with a dropping trap. That was finished up on Friday night and then there was some swing dancing on the mall with live bands before everyone went to bed before the next days festivities.

Saturday was one long long day filled with plenty of fun. That morning I had an induction into the education honor society, Kappa Delta Pi, so I had to be up around 8:00 after going to bed at 2:00 ish the night before. A few of my friends were also inducted into the organization so we all went together.

Then it was off to the homecoming tailgates filled with plenty of socializing with alumni and friends! The weather was surprisingly comfortable after a cold snap earlier in the week so I was able to wear this fun navy dress and my favorite cowboy boots (currently on sale).

We enjoyed the game for a bit and I went back to my apartment to take a breather before getting ready for a fraternity homecoming function I had been invited to. It was super fun and a lot different than sorority functions that I am used to. We went with a group to get dinner first and then went to the event where there was a live band and lots of dancing and socializing. It was really dark at the event so I don't really have any good photos from the event but if you are looking for a flattering dress good for fall and winter events then I would highly recommend the one I wore. It was so comfortable and I got so many compliments on it. My friends are already claiming it for our winter formal.  

So while the weekend was all play and minimal work I had a lot to do before some big assignments were due on Friday. Here are a few photos from my instagram this week! 

It was super rainy and decently cold Monday thru Wednsday so bean boots were a must! You can get the same pair I have here

Go enter my giveaway for this necklace from Lisi Lerch on my instagram @prepinyourstep!

Yesterday I was determined to be productive and decided that a change of scenery would help that. I went to a coffee shop down town and ended up staying there for about 4 hours and was able to get thru a lot of work. Now I really want some cute coffee cups and plates like theres. 

I hope y'all had a fabulous week and am so excited that you'll be seeing more of me over here in the weeks to come! Happy Friday!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Step Into My Week

This past week has been such a fun one and I know the activities will continue through this weekend seeing as it is homecoming here at Furman. I'm sure next Friday's post will have tons of pictures from all of those happenings but for now let's focus on this past week!

Friday night I went to dinner with a friend and then came back and watched a movie and hung out with my roommates since on Saturday we already had a lot planned. Saturday night my sorority had one of our functions called KD Flamingo Flock. Basically, as you'll be able to tell from the pictures, we dress up in a ridiculous amount of pink and leave a trail of feather boa feathers wherever we go. This is a date function but one that a lot of KDs take girls to so I brought my freshman roommate, Nell, to the event. It was so fun for us to catch up as both of our schedules seem crazy busy this semester! 

Then on Sunday we had a Girl Scout event on campus. We invited Girl Scouts from local troops to come dressed up in their Halloween costumes and we taught them all about Halloween safety. After doing some crafts, eating far too much candy, and learning to be safe on Halloween we had them practice their skills by "trick or treating" down our sorority hall. It was so cute and I think we had as much fun as they did.

It finally got a bit colder earlier this week and I started to pull out my favorite flannels and vests from years past. It's warmed back up a bit now but it will be nice to have all those items out once the cool weather is here to stay. 

Yesterday morning one of my roommates brought me coffee and I had one of the most productive mornings I've had in a long time which was great! 

Last night was the start of most of the Homecoming festivities but first my friends and I went to celebrate our friends 21st birthday. We had a fun dinner downtown followed by cake that I made and then went back to her apartment before heading out on the mall to begin building and decorating our homecoming float.

I hope y'all all had a fantastic week and are looking forward to a great weekend! 

Here are 2 pictures from last years Homecoming Weekend in honor of this years!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Step Into My Week (Past 3 Weeks)

Y'all, junior year is kicking my bottom. I should probably start by saying it has been the most fun year thus far but the work load has been pretty substantial as well. Studying and school work always come first but it has been pretty hard to adjust from this summer being able to spend so much time blogging and creating content (including videos) for y'all to having to search for any spare second to be able to connect with y'all. Last weekend was even fall break and I thought that would mean I would be able to catch up and plan a bunch of stuff out but in reality I was so exhausted from midterms and school work that I slept the majority of my break.

I see other bloggers consistently getting quality content up on their sites daily and immediately feel like I am behind until I sit down and realize that these girls blog for a living. While that would be a dream and maybe someday could become a reality I have to remind myself that currently my "job" is to do well in school which (not to toot my own horn) is exactly what I've been doing this semester. I am taking some of my hardest classes I've had since being at Furman and if you would have asked me at the beginning of the year I would have told you that my goal would have been to pass them and now it's midterm and I have all As which is no small feat, especially at a school like Furman. This weekend I am being inducted into the honor society for my major and I have a few other opportunities for further involvement in the near future as well. I have to remind myself that just because I don't feel like I'm succeeding in this online realm of my life I am doing just fine in other areas. Junior year has me realizing that it is all about balance.

I will definitely be working at getting posts up more consistently but am having to remind myself that on days when a post doesn't go live it isn't because I haven't been productive and is instead because as a student I am forced to prioritize. I am sure many of y'all understand this feeling. I also don't want to sacrifice the quality of my content just to be able to check getting a post done off of my to do list. While it would be great (and a lot easier on my part) to have outfit posts or pinterest photo inspirations go up daily that isn't really all that this blog is about. I try my very best to mix more superficial posts that are focused on cute clothes or items I love with more content heavy posts that include useful tips for y'all and would hate to neglect doing that. Again, it's all about balance. To make all of this a bit easier for me though leaving any sort of post requests or ideas allows me to have a better understanding of what y'all are interested in seeing.

So, since I've failed to do a Step Into My Week post in the past 3 weeks here is an update. It's embarrassing that I had to look back to see where the last one ended in order to figure out where to start with this update. Also this is only going up to last Friday so that I can get back on track tomorrow with weekly Step Into My Weeks.

From my last update, my parent's were coming in town for Parent's Weekend which was an absolute blast. Sadly, it was kind of a wash out but it was fun to catch up with them and eat some good meals. I felt like all of our plans revolved around when and where we would be eating next but I can't say that I am complaining about that!

We had an early Thanksgiving dinner for my roommate who is India for the remainder of the semester and it was absolutely delicious. Each person brought an item or two and we all chatted and enjoyed our time together while eating serving after serving of all of the delicious dishes. 

This is what blogging looks like to my roommates (and probably my parents too). Too funny not to share. 

Fall break happened recently and I decided to go home for the break. Although it was a long drive it was so worth it considering it allowed me with some quality time with my parents and the opportunity to catch up on some sleep which was much needed. I can't help but love that every time I come home my parents put fresh flowers in my room. 

Being away at school has caused me to realize just how much I love being home and where I live. While there I got coffee from my favorite coffee shop and enjoyed it by the bay.

To see a more updated version of my day to day happenings be sure to follow my instagram, @prepinyourstep, and also let me know any posts you are interested in seeing from me! 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Head Poncho

Just humor me for a second and pretend that you totally got that this post's title was a play on the phrase "head honcho." No? Ok moving on. Regardless of whether or not you think I'm clever I am here to introduce you to the *best* article of clothing for fall and winter, ponchos! I recently got this grey one and am hooked. Everything about this: the color, pattern, and softness is absolutely perfect (I'll let you know how perfect it is when I try to put my backpack on to wear it to class…). I am usually not a turtle neck kind of girl (I really don't like things touching my neck) but this one has the most flattering collar that folds into itself to create a really flattering look without feeling like it is constricting your neck!

I paired the poncho with a comfy striped shirt and my favorite navy leggings of all time! Somehow it looked incredibly put together with minimal effort but the real kicker (yep, definitely think I'm funnier than I am) are these grey fringe booties! If you didn't see Monday's post then you may not know that I felt obligated to jump on the bootie trend since they look so cute on everyone I've seen wearing them. Well, at under $50 and incredibly comfortable and cute this pair is the perfect way to test out this trend. My verdict…I'm sold I think I need booties in every color but fortunately I have a bit of self control so maybe one new pair (would love this pair) would suffice!



grey poncho (also available in tan and black) // striped shirt // leggings // booties under $50! (black & cognac)  // bracelets (gold & pearl)

I don't do outfit posts very frequently but if y'all would like to see more of them then I can definitely start! I'd love to know what you think and if any of these pieces will be making their way to your closet soon!

PS if you haven't checked out the Shopbop Friends and Family sale then go, go, go! So many great pieces are 25% off with the code INTHEFAM! Best part aside from the discount? If you're an amazon prime member you'll get your goodies in the mail in 2 days!!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Apartment Bedroom Tour: Navy & Light Blue

Eep! I am so thrilled to *finally* be sharing this with y'all. It has been a long time coming and I know a lot of y'all have been anxiously awaiting this post which makes me even more excited to click publish! I am still hoping to share a few more of my friends rooms with you but the 10 days of rain we've had over the last week and a bit made it so that every photo I took had the weirdest lighting. The other morning when it was finally nice and sunny I was ready and determined to snap these pictures and share them with y'all.

If you don't know, I am a junior at Furman University and live in an on campus apartment with 3 of my sorority sisters. We all have our own bedrooms and then I share a bathroom with one other roommate and we also have a nice sized living room, kitchen, and foyer. Needless to say, it has been awesome! I love having my own room and of course adored decorating it. Get ready to scroll through quite a few photos, I tried not to leave out any details! 

(I'm still looking for many of the pieces but they will all be shoppable here soon!)

curtains // body pillow (fabric covered, local fabric store)




diy pom pom tote // nail polish dish // necklace holder


And there you have it, my blue and white humble abode. While I adored my colorful dorm rooms I love how mature this color scheme can look. I added a few whimsical details to make it a bit more fun and useful and can't help but adore all of the little knick knacks that tie the space together. I have tried to link as many of the items below but since I've had some of these pieces for a while some may be similar options instead of the ones identical to mine. I would LOVE to know what you think! 

PS this will be uploaded in video form this afternoon so stay tuned to see that for a better look at how the room flows. You can subscribe to my youtube channel here in order to be the first to see the video!

Also, if you want to see a look at my closet or desk then check out these videos.

I also talk about a lot of the items found in my room in these videos.