
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Group Studying With The Post-It Study Collection

No one really looks forward to studying for a test, however sometimes it is easier to be motivated by studying with a group. Although I am not a huge fan of studying with groups (with school related assignments I like to be in control and on task) however, one of my secrets for studying with a group or working on a group assignment is to utilize Post-it Notes. 

You may be thinking that those are only helpful for leaving notes to your roommate or writing your daily to do lists however, they can be an awesome study companion (check out my previous post all about how to utilize Post-it Study collection for research paper prepping). One thing that is essential aside from Post-it Notes and a group would be that each member of the group studies some in advance. Bouncing the knowledge you have for different subjects will make for a more efficient use of your time instead of spending the entirety of your time as a group reviewing vocabulary you could have known before you met up! 

You can easily mark any essential pages, points, or questions you may have with a Post-it Study Flag in advance, describing the importance you found on a page with a Post-it Study Note to ensure that you remember it! Encouraging fellow group members to do this as well will make the group's time as a whole more productive, and speaking about different key points allows you to retain the information better. Another tip is to listen up during class when teachers hint at what information may be on the test, and be sure to flag these points with Post-it Study Message Flags, which is super helpful when trying to decide what to study.

After your group has gone over any questions they may have, separate some Post-it Study Super Sticky Notes onto your workspace (preferably a conference style library table) designating a color to a certain topic within the class. Say you are studying for history: green for people, pink for places, and yellow for anything else. Write the major term in bold at the top of the page and take turns writing down what you believed to be the main point. (Image below)

This allows you to see the information others thought was important while contributing your own thoughts. Once everyone has filled something in on each note, discuss the information and have all people in the group take a photo so that they can quickly study these key points while walking to class!

While this method works great for a group it isn't ideal when you choose to study solo but that does not mean that you can't utilize Post-it Notes when studying individually. Personally, I use Post-it Notes to keep track of any key information I find important from the textbook or my class notes, as well as keeping a to-do list of what content needs to be studied!

(This post is sponsored by Post-it Brand however, all opinions are my own).
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  1. Even though I am now an alumni rather than a student, these tips are great for my workplace and Junior League projects! I <3 my post-its! :)

  2. This is perfect! I honestly have never thought of using post-its for studying at all, never mind group studying! I am one of those people that constantly avoids anything that involves a group, it's such a pain in the neck. I think these tips will help a lot!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I could not make it through my work day without Post-It notes... the brighter the better!

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  4. I love your study tip posts! I am always looking for new and efficient ways to study, so this will really help. Definitely bookmarking this for later!

  5. After your last post about Post-Its I tried using them in my stat class (typically all notes come from the book so it's easier to highlight) by using them for those little things you can't just highlight in the book. This has definitely cleared up my study space in that class and made my notes so much more organized and in one place! Look forward to hearing more tips!

    Pick Your Beau

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