
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Library Look

Recently, I have been spending a ridiculous amount of time in the library. Ironically enough, I am writing this post while sitting in the library during a short study break. I lucked out and was not assigned any midterms however I have been spending the last few weeks laboring over a research paper. The amount of time I have put into it is unreal so hopefully my grade will reflect that!

With all of the time I have spent in the library, I have developed a typical outfit I will throw on before camping out in a cubicle!

My Library Look

I have been good about getting dressed and looking presentable for class but studying for me is definitely a time to be comfortable so I do not typically remain in my class clothes (props to you if you do!).

 I grab either a pair of workout leggings or crops or a pair of comfortable jeans to wear as my bottoms. It has been chilly in the evening here so shorts are no longer practical otherwise nikes shorts would definitely be thrown into this mix.

Next I grab either a pullover jacket (typically monogrammed) or an oversized sweater (with the occasional scarf). Again, comfort is key.

Now for shoes, depending on my choices above, I gravitate towards tennis shoes, riding boots, or even moccasins to trek to the library.

After that, I strategically pack my back pack, grab some coffee, and head to the lower level of the library. 

P.S. I have also learned that the library can be a very social place so it is crucial to choose a spot in the back corners or bottom floor if you want to be productive!

Here is another study attire image that I created last year, the post for that one is here!
{Oddly enough I posted this on the 30th of October last year!}

Fall Study Essentials


  1. Love love love the monogram sweatshirts, where do you get them?


  2. I have practically lived in leggings so far in college! I wear them with riding boots, tennis shoes, Toms, you name it. Terrible, I know. I'm definitely with you, though - comfort is key for studying! I couldn't possibly focus if I was constantly adjusting something I was wearing - which brings me to another point: I cannot wear wrist jewelry when studying! Maybe it's just a pet peeve, but it drives me crazy haha.

    Ponies In Pearls

  3. Love these type of posts! If you have time, can you do a desk tour/desk essentials video or post?

  4. Thanks for the email Dorothy! I love to wear pullovers. They are just so comfortable and fashionable.

  5. I'm all about these looks. They're perfect for fall and studying.

  6. Thanks for sharing I found this fun to read and look at your collages! :) I want the moccasins and the pullover! :)
