Monday, August 22, 2016

Day Of Shopping Tips for Lilly Pulitzer's After Party Sale!

It's here, it's here! It's a pink and green lovers Christmas as the Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale starts this morning at 8AM EST. Hopefully you have a big cup of coffee in your hand and your pajamas still on to shop since patience will definitely be needed as you wait in Lilly's virtual line to enter the closest thing to the pink and green palace that the internet can offer.

Since you may be waiting I thought it could be helpful to provide some day of shopping tips for y'all in order to capitalize on your success after making your way through the line! And here is a quick trip down memory lane featuring some of my favorite Lilly from over the years! 




First, if the website does crash (which is quite possible) there is no need to send strongly worded tweets to the  Lilly Pulitzer team on Twitter and Facebook, they want us to be able to shop and it is already nice enough that they give us the opportunity to shop  Lilly for discounted prices!

Items in your cart are not reserved so try to shop fast and checkout if you have a piece in your cart that you can't live without! 

If the sale isn't working for you online try shopping through the   Lilly Pulitzer app. Occasionally it will be faster than the computer however I definitely prefer perusing through the site. 

If you end up snagging anything let me know! I am nosy and curious and would love to share the thrill of the sale with you!

Now for the giveaway reminder. As you're waiting in line be sure to head over to  this blog post to enter for a chance to win these fun prizes! 

Best of luck shopping! Hopefully I'll be back over her sharing some of my favorite finds from the sale with y'all but in the meantime be sure to enter the giveaway and let me know what you're most hoping to snag from the sale! 


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