Monday, April 10, 2017

Step Into My Week

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so excited for a Monday! While I have loved student teaching this week I get to be back on campus at Furman since my students are on spring break. Although I’ll have class so it isn’t all fun and games I will get to see friends, enjoy the weather, and maybe even feel like I am still in college. It’s the little luxuries! And I can’t mention this excitement without mentioning that I get to sleep past 5:20 since I don’t have class until 9:30. All major wins in my book.

We will start with last week though since it makes more sense for Step Into My Week posts to go in chronological order! Monday and Wednesday we had some really crazy weather in South Carolina that I know that a lot of y’all in the Southeast probably also experienced. Rain, hail, winds, tornados, and huge storms were all present which had my students a little bit wild. On Tuesday, I didn’t go to my school since I had to give a presentation at Furman for an event called Furman Engaged. Furman Engaged is a day where no one has classes and instead students present research or projects that they’ve been working on over the past school year to their peers and the Furman faculty. I have never presented at Furman Engaged before but for one of my classes was assigned to do a multicultural inquiry project based on education. I completely forgot to take pictures of my trifold but the presentation went well and it was so nice to have the rest of the day off. I did some blog work, watched tv, and even took a nap. My friends were pretty proud since they claim that I am not good at relaxing. It was also much needed since I was pretty tired from formal the weekend before.

Wednesday night there was a wine tasting in honor of the seniors who had made donations to our senior class gift. I don’t really know what I expected but it was interesting as someone spoke to us about different types of wines as we tried them. I know pretty much nothing about wine (aside from knowing that I do not like red wine) so there was a lot to be learned and it was fun to go to with friends. After that, my roommates and I went to a pizza place next to campus for dinner before hanging out prior to making our teacher bedtimes. I woke up Wednesday night to the most lightning and thunder I’ve heard in awhile and oddly enough I think I slept better with all that noise outside. There is something about sleeping when it is storming that I love.

Thursday was pretty normal other than it being super windy and a little bit cold. By the time Friday came around I was pretty tired. The kids were surprisingly good for it being the last day before the beginning of their Spring Break but even still I went back to my apartment and laid down for a while. A few of us went to Chuy’s for dinner before showering and going to bed early, wild college students we are!

Saturday was an early start as Nell and I went to Columbia for a blog event I was hosting at Pink Sorbet. I shared an event recap in yesterday’s post so definitely make sure to check that out! We had so much fun and were both pleasantly surprised by Columbia. We drove around a little after the event so we could look at the University of South Carolina’s campus and discovered that there wasn’t that much to see by car. We drove back to Greenville making a pit stop at Haywood Mall because Nell was so inspired by some of the pieces I found there and featured in this post ;). We came back to Furman and then went downtown for dinner since we all (Nell, Caroline, and I) decided that sushi sounded delicious. We went to TakoSushi and split queso and then each got some sushi. My go-to there is the Greenville roll and I already want it again soon since it is that good.

Sunday was pretty relaxed which isn’t always how my Sundays go. Since Greenville County Schools are on spring break this week I don’t have lesson plans to worry about and materials to prep. Instead, I have class on campus and only had a few things that needed to be done for homework. I went to barre3 with Nell at 9:00 and then we grabbed breakfast in the dining hall. After that I got showered, did some laundry, and relaxed most of the afternoon before my last collegiate chapter meeting as a Kappa Delta. It was bittersweet to say the least. Contrary to most people, I really love going to chapter each week so it is going to be weird to have Sunday nights back. A little personal pat on the back but I never once missed a chapter meeting even when we had “passes” we could use. Maybe I am little too into it... Last weekend, my senior spotlight was read which was another all too real reminder that graduation was on the horizon. Senior Spotlights are letters that seniors parent write to them to be read aloud by that girl's little at chapter in the spring. My parents did a wonderful job with mine and I teared up when my little read it to me and when I've read it since.

I hope that your week is off to a great start!


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